浮华城(好莱坞的贬称、谐称) People sometimes refer to Hollywood as Tinseltown, especially when they want to show that they disapprove of it or when they are making fun of it.
The city is sometimes called Tinseltown. 这个城市有时候被称为亮片城。
The Tinseltown where huge numbers of people are trying to overshadow others to get to the top and dirty secrets are everywhere? 毕竟在这个浮华镇中,无数人正努力踩着别人的头顶往上爬,到处充斥着污秽的秘密。
How long can after Hope net friends by reading this article can have a clear understanding of, don't consider yourself health in tinseltown. 希望网友们通过阅读本文可以有明确的认识,不要视自己的健康如儿戏。
Ultimately, of course, what was developed for starlets in Tinseltown has filtered into retail options for real women and cosmetic technologies designed for this new film format are set to benefit the consumer. 当然,归根结底,对于好莱坞的小明星来说,这些进展已影响到现实生活中女性的购物选择,而针对新电影制式的化妆技术也将惠及消费者。