Born in Tirol, Austria, he received his doctorate in chemistry at the University of Innsbruck in 1981. 他出生于奥地利提罗尔,1981年得到印斯布鲁克大学的化学博士学位。
The Tirol Atlas is a transnational Interreg-project, co-financed by the Land Tirol and the Autonomous Province of Bozen, South Tyrol. 蒂罗尔地图集是一个跨国区域间计划,由蒂罗尔州和南蒂罗尔的波岑自治省共同提供资金支持。
Are there any tours to Tirol in three or four days? 有去蒂罗尔的三天或者四天的旅游吗?
With Tirol before it, the motley battlewagon went on combat alert. 这艘混杂战舰正朝泰洛驶来,进入了战斗警戒状态。