This result is consistent with the findings of Garnett& Tobin 这个结果与加尼特托宾公司的调查结果一致。
But Tobin perhaps anticipated the awkward history of the Nobel memorial prize and financial economics. 但托宾或许已经预见了诺贝尔奖在金融经济学领域将要出现的一系列尴尬。
Even if Tobin taxes could be made to work, they would do little good. 即使能够征收托宾税,也不会带来多大益处。
Tobin initially proposed this ratio as a way of explaining investment. 托宾最初提出这一比率是用来解释投资的。
This is my assistant, Frank tobin. 这位是我的助理法兰克托宾。
Tobin Q Theory, Reconstruction of Valuation System and New Characters of Merger and Acquisition 托宾Q理论、估值体系重构与并购行为新特征
The Tobin tax does nothing to achieve this. 托宾税是做不到这一点的。
Tobin was a genius, but the Tobin tax was probably his one daft idea. 托宾是一位天才,但托宾税大概是他唯一的蠢主意。
Come shake hands with your uncle dock tobin. 快来跟你多克托宾叔叔问个好。
The possibility of a permanent "Tobin tax" on foreign exchange or other financial transactions has gained more attention after the group of 20 leading nations asked the International Monetary Fund to consider the idea. 在20国集团(g20)要求国际货币基金组织(imf)考虑对外汇或其它金融交易课征永久性的“托宾税”后,这一设想的潜在可能赢得了更多关注。
What problem would a Tobin tax on financial transactions solve? 对金融交易征收托宾税能解决什么问题?
Will a Tobin tax be imposed on ECB repo operations as well? 对欧洲央行的回购操作也会征收托宾税吗?
Even if all these assertions are correct, they do not imply the need for a Tobin tax. 即使上述观点都是正确的,也不意味着有必要开征托宾税。
Empirical Study on Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism Based on Tobin Effect 基于托宾效应的货币政策传导机制实证研究
Does the world need a global Tobin tax? 世界是否需要一种全球性的托宾税?
Asset-liability ratio is used to describe the capital structure, and the General financial performance, Tobin's Q and the EVA per capital are used to describe the firm performance respectively. 本文采用资产负债率来反映上市公司的资本结构,分别以财务综合绩效、托宾Q值和单位经济增加值指标来反映上市公司绩效。
Some three decades ago, James Tobin, the economist, first proposed introducing a tax on financial transactions to deter short-term currency speculation. 大约30年前,经济学家詹姆斯托宾(JamesTobin)率先提出对金融交易征税,以遏制短期货币投机。
He recommended some drastic remedies, and suggested considering a global tax on financial transactions a generalised Tobin tax. 他建议采取一些有力的补救措施,并建议考虑对全球金融交易课税即一种普遍化的托宾税。
If the Tobin tax remains a roving solution in search of a problem, it has at least found a welcoming place to Nestle. 如果说托宾税仍然是一个在四处寻找问题的解决方案,它起码找到了一个欢迎自己的归宿。
They have, they have, but the one thing they do agree on is how much they love Dr Tobin. 是的,但是他们在喜欢托宾博士这一点上都是一样的。
The Vatican statement strongly backs the proposal of a financial transaction tax a "Tobin tax" or, popularly, a "Robin Hood tax" in the form in which it has been talked about most recently. 梵蒂冈在声明中强烈支持征收金融交易税的提议即“托宾税”(tobintax)、或是更为人所熟知的“罗宾汉税”(robinhoodtax),最近它一直是人们谈论的话题。
Mr Sarkozy wants a levy known as a Tobin Tax to be applied to every financial transaction. 萨科奇希望征收一种被称为托宾的税,以适用于所有财务事项。
Many point to the UK stamp duty on share transactions as proof that Tobin taxes are feasible. 许多人以英国的股票交易印花税为证,说明托宾税是可行的。
James Tobin proposed a tax on foreign exchange transactions to stabilise floating exchange rates and achieve greater national monetary policy autonomy in a world of increasing financial integration. 詹姆斯托宾(jamestobin)曾提议对外汇交易征税,以稳定浮动的汇率,并在一个金融日益一体化的世界里,实现更大的国家货币政策自主权。
Tobin tax is used for reducing the fluidity of international capital and the fluctuation of the currency exchange rate via increasing the trade cost. 托宾税通过交易成本上升以降低全球资本流动性和各国货币汇率波动性。
A Tobin tax would not have prevented the last crisis and will not avert the next one. 托宾税不可能避免上一次危机,也无法避免下一次危机。
Last year, Mr Brown mooted a tax on bank transactions a so-called Tobin tax as one of a number of options to make sure the "contribution banks make to society is properly captured". 去年布朗提议对银行交易征税(即所谓的托宾税),作为确保“银行对社会的贡献得到恰当捕获”的选择办法之一。
Lord Turner has suggested that a "Tobin tax" named after the economist James Tobin should be considered for financial transactions. 特纳建议,应该考虑对金融交易征收以经济学家詹姆斯托宾(jamestobin)命名的“托宾税”。
Miss Tobin is preparing for a meeting before she flies to London for a week. 托宾小姐已经飞去伦敦了,她会呆上一周。
Even at a very low rate, the Tobin tax could have been a massive government revenue raiser. 即便税率很低,托宾税也能大幅提升政府的收入。