One of the large paintings showed the apotheosis of the emperor trajan. 巨大的图画中有一幅把图拉真皇帝神化了。
I've used the font Trajan because it's a really dramatic looking font. 我用的字体图拉真,因为它是一个非常显着寻找字型。
One of the most famous buildings at Philae is the Kiosk of Trajan. 肥莱尔岛上做著名的建筑是图拉真亭子。
The first of these periods may be traced from the age of Trajan and the Antonines, when the Roman monarchy, having attained its full strength and maturity, began to verge towards its decline; 此时这个罗马君主政权,从其全盛时期开始濒临其衰落的边缘,一直到被野蛮的德国人和塞西亚人所颠覆的西罗马帝国。
Rome's power reached its zenith under the emperor Trajan. 罗马帝国的势力在图雷真皇帝的统治下达到顶峰。
You can go to the top of this mountain, the Acropolis in Pergamum and the Austrian archeologists are rebuilding all these temples to Trajan and Hadrian on the top of this hill. 你可以登上别迦摩的卫城山顶,奥地利的考古学家正在重建,山顶上图拉真和哈德良的神庙。
Latvians hold masquerade parties, and Rumanians sing a carol concerning Emperor Trajan and a bull. 拉脱维亚人举行化装舞会。罗马尼亚人则唱圣歌,歌颂图拉真皇帝和公牛。
The development of patronage related to many factors in Roman society. But one important reason was the attitude of Trajan. 保护关系的发展与当时罗马社会中的许多因素都有关系,但是图拉真本人对保护关系的主观态度是这些因素中比较重要的一点。
The focal point of this paper is to illustrate all kinds of patronages during the reign of Trajan, and reveal the political, legal and economic effects caused by it in this period. 本文的重点是对图拉真统治时期所存在的各种保护关系进行说明,进而揭示保护关系对图拉真统治时期的政治、法律和经济等方面所产生的影响。