By wearing the Trident I accept the responsibility of my chosen profession and way of life. 当我带上了海豹三叉佩章时,我也同时接受了这样的使命并且将它作为我一生的职业。
We did not explore a full or partial migration of Windows-to-Linux as a solution because we wanted to focus on the third prong of the trident for this article. 我们并没有将从Windows到Linux的部分或完全迁移作为解决方案来研究,因为我们希望在本文中集中关注第三种方法。
Anybody who does not back Trident is dismissed as not serious or ill-informed. 任何不支持三叉戟的人都被斥为不严肃或一知半解。
Liam Fox, former Conservative defence secretary, last year announced a government study into whether there were viable alternatives to his proposed replacement of the Trident submarine fleet. 英国前国防大臣、保守党人利亚姆福克斯(LiamFox)去年表示,针对他提出的更新三叉戟潜艇舰队的建议,政府将就是否存在切实可行的替代方案进行研究。
Politically sensitive projects such as an order for two aircraft carriers and a commitment to renew the Trident nuclear deterrent survived the axe. 一些政治敏感项目逃过了被裁减的命运,比如两艘航母的订单以及更新三叉戟核威慑系统的承诺。
The British defence establishment claims that all the alternatives to Trident have been carefully examined and found wanting. 英国国防部门的体制内人士称,他们仔细研究了三叉戟系统的所有替代方案,发现都存在不足之处。
In a world of lavish defence budgets, Trident renewal might make sense. 在国防预算极为充裕的情况下,更新三叉戟系统还可能说得通。
Because cruise missiles have a shorter range than Trident ballistic missiles and because aircraft carrying nuclear weapons could be shot down, only Trident is deemed to offer an effective deterrent. 由于巡航导弹的射程比不上三叉戟弹道导弹,而搭载核武器的飞机可能被击落,因此只有三叉戟系统才能提供有效威慑。
He is the son of Cronus and Rhea. Poseidons'symbols were the dolphin and the trident. 他是克洛诺斯与瑞亚之子,波塞冬的象征是海豚和三叉戟。
Beyond insisting that Scotland will banish the Trident nuclear missile system from the Clyde and that it will not be drawn into conflicts in the Middle East, Mr Salmond does not have a foreign policy for his new state. 除了坚称苏格兰会将三叉戟(Trident)核导弹系统从克莱德(Clyde)海军基地撤出,以及苏格兰不会卷入中东争端以外,萨尔蒙德没有为他的新国家提出一套外交政策。
Oberoi, chairman of the Oberoi Group, which manages the Oberoi and Trident Hotels, adjacent buildings that were both attacked. Oberoi说。该集体管理着Oberoi和Trident酒店,这两幢毗邻的大楼都受到了袭击。
Almost 60% of the British public say they do not want Trident replaced. 将近百分之六十的英国民众表示他们不希望升级三叉戟系统。
There's a Swissair Trident out of London at0920. 瑞士航空公司的三叉戟20飞离伦敦。
Scientists use Neptune's fishing spear, the trident, as the sign for the planet. 科学家们用尼普顿的鱼叉三叉戟作为这个行星的标志。
I have always played with two strikers, even in a trident attack. 我总是使用双前锋,即便是三叉戟进攻组合亦是如此。
This prompts several questions about Trident deployments and operations. 有关三叉的部署和操作提示一些问题。
Trident manufactures photocopies, which they sell in bulk to retailers and large organizations. 他们大批出售给零售商和大型机构。
Moreover, they say Trident provides no protection against real dangers such as suicide-bombers. 更重要的是,他们说三叉戟导弹并不能对付现实危险,比方自杀性炸弹携带者。
Time trial: should Trident add short-notice capability to the US global-strike mission? 简氏:“三叉戟”应该加入到美国短告警全球打击任务吗?
How would I play in a trident attack for the Azzurri? 在蓝衣军团我将如何在三叉棋中踢球?
While they have Thiago Silva, I doubt it will be sufficient to arrest the trident of Barcelona attacker. 虽然他们有蒂亚戈-席尔瓦,但我怀疑这是否足够阻挡巴塞罗那进攻三叉戟。
On the tip of Shiva's trident stands a city, which is Varanasi. 在湿婆三叉戟的尖顶上,矗立着一座城市,它就是瓦拉纳西。
There is no point in spending billions on a serious, credible and transparent nuclear weapons system such as Trident. 在一个严肃、可信、透明的核武器系统(如三叉戟系统)上花费数十亿资金毫无意义。
The war in the Mediterranean erupted again according to the Allied schedule soon after the TRIDENT conference. 三叉戟会议以后,地中海战争立即又按照盟国计划爆发。
Join us in calling on the government? No Trident Replacement! 加入我们呼吁政府放弃优化三叉戟!
India is developing the Trident for use by the army, navy and also the air force. 印度研制三叉戟是为了供陆、海、空三军使用。
The proper response was to renew the tried-and-tested nuclear deterrent, based on Trident missiles. 对这些恰当的反应是更新久经考验的基于三叉戟导弹的核威慑力量。
Others represented fishermen, with a net to snare opponents and a trident to spear them. 另一些人则代表渔民,配备着一张网来诱捕对方,以及一把用来戳刺对手的三叉戟。