Several tell of the adventures of Sir Tristram and Sir Gawin. 特利斯特拉姆和高文爵士的故事脍炙人口。
As soon as the cathedral was looted bare, however, the adventurers and travelers stopped coming, and New Tristram found itself in decline. 直到古教堂已经被翻了个底朝天的时候,探险者和旅人便慢慢不再到此处来了,新崔斯特瑞姆也开始走下坡路。
I have never seen Tristram bursting with such joy as in the weeks since Diablo's defeat. 我从未带着喜悦的心情看着崔斯特瑞姆炸裂成为废墟,上周迪亚波罗终于被击败了。
You must go to Tristram and find him, my friend. I pray that he still lives. 我的朋友,您必须前往崔斯特瑞姆找到他。我企盼他依然活着。
I hope to leave for Lut Gholein before the shadow that fell over Tristram consume us all. 我希望在崔斯特瑞姆的阴影毁灭我们之前离开这儿去鲁高因。
I would sooner micturate in a tankard of my own ale than journey to Tristram! 我宁愿在我的啤酒桶中撒尿也不愿意前往崔斯特瑞姆!
My name's Deckard Cain and I come from Tristram. 我叫迪卡?凯恩,我来自崔斯特瑞姆。
After a time, King Mark, who felt jealous of Tristram and wanted to get rid of him, sent him to Ireland to ask for him the hand of Isoud. 过了一段时间,马克国王出于妒忌,派特利斯特拉姆去爱尔兰代他向伊索德求婚,想假他人之手除掉特利斯特拉姆。
Not long ago, I wrote of my disappointment that New Tristram lacked the palpable dread its reputation led one to expect. I wish that I had not tempted fate with my quick words. 不久之前我将我对新崔斯特瑞姆缺乏某种真正恐惧的失望态度溢于言表,但我现在希望我压根没有提过这些。
A new biography by a British historian, Tristram Hunt, makes a good case for giving him greater credit. 英国历史学家特里斯特兰•亨特所作的新的传记有力的说明了恩格斯的功绩应该得到更大的承认。
Tristram is too far to journey by foot* Cain would likely be dead, when you arrived. 崔斯特瑞姆离这里很远,就算你们走到,凯恩可能已经死了。
The Analysis of the Experimental Characteristics in "the Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman"; All is not gain that is got into the purse.& Laurence Sterne 劳伦斯·斯特恩《项狄传》实验性特征浅析装进钱包里的不一定都是收益。&斯特恩
New Tristram has been in existence for several years, though the exact date of its founding is unclear. 新崔斯特瑞姆已经存在了不少年,虽然它建立的确切时间并不清楚。
How will you find Cain without going to Tristram? Finding the Tree of Inifuss is the first step on your journey. 你不去崔斯特瑞姆怎么可能找到凯恩呢?去那里的首要条件便是找到艾尼弗斯之树。
Thus, when I saw the distant light of fire while making my way through the thick Tristram forest, I welcomed the company of fellow travelers. 因此当我在夜晚的崔斯特瑞姆附近茂密的森林中穿行时看到了远处的光明,心中涌起了寻找旅伴的念头。
A Critical View of the First English Experimental Novel Tristram Shandy 英国第一部实验小说《项狄传》评述
Laurence Sterne has always been considered the least rule-bound of the British eighteenth-century novelists, and his Tristram Shandy is generally cited as the most eccentric production within the already varied collection of narrative types of eighteenth-century fiction. 劳伦斯·斯特恩(LaurenceSterne1713-1768)被认为是最不为规则所囿的十八世纪英国小说家,他的代表作《相狄传》常被视为英国小说宝库中最为独特怪异的一部作品。
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne expresses two religious themes: forbearance and charity. 劳伦斯·斯特恩的小说《项狄传》中有两个宗教主题:忍耐和爱。
To some extent, The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman is not a complete utopian work, for it lacks the traveling forms of the traditional ones and lacks of the political construction and social description of ideal country. 《项狄传》不是一部完全意义上的乌托邦作品,它摈弃了传统乌托邦文学的游历形式,缺少对理想王国的政治建设和社会描述。
Laurence Sterne innovates the form of novel and the use of language in this experimental novel, so Tristram Shandy is a novel of novel. 在这部试验体小说中作者劳伦斯?斯特恩创新了小说的形式和语言的使用,可以说《项狄传》才是一部真正意义上的小说。
Through the above analysis this paper brings to the conclusion that Tristram Shandy is a novel ahead of its time in 18th century. 通过以上分析,本文认为《项狄传》是十八世纪文学史上一部具有超时代性的试验体小说。