By the Xianbei and Tujue ( Turkic) people, these have animal designs AS well AS riders, dappled horses and camels. 鲜卑人和突厥人制作,图案包括动物、骑手,深灰色斑纹的马和骆驼。
The name of the currency is related with the Russian word for money which was borrowed from Turkic. 该货币的名称同俄语里指钱的词语有关,但借用自土耳其语。
Before the gradual arrival of the Turkic invaders the area was populated by the Persian-speaking people of Iranian stock who still comprise a large minority in Uzbekistan and are called Tajiks today. 在突厥入侵之前,这个地区主要居住着伊朗世系讲波斯语的人,他们在乌兹别克斯坦组成了一个人数众多的少数民族,今天被称为塔吉克人。
Armenian and Turkic are spoken among the small Armenian and Turkoman populations. 亚美尼亚语和土耳其语在少数亚美尼亚人和土耳其人中使用。
A Turkic language spoken by the Turks. 土耳其人所说的突厥语。
Specific dragons are often given Turkic names, symbolizing the long-standing conflict between the Slavs and Turks. 确切的龙经常被命名以具有土耳其风格的名字,这是斯拉夫与土耳其长期冲突的表现。
Of or relating to the Turkic language subfamily, especially the eastern Turkic languages, or their speakers. In the early 19th century, with the growing colonial expansion of the imperialist powers into Central Asia, the geographical term "Turkistan" was revived. 突厥语的属于或关于突厥语亚语系的,尤指东部的突厥语的或说突厥语的人的十九世纪初,随着帝国主义列强在中亚地区殖民扩张的深入,地理名词突厥斯坦重新被提出。
Researching ancient Turkic and its inscription on a tablet has formed a separated part of Kazakh language and literature. 关于古代突厥语及其碑文的研究,已经构成哈萨克语文学的一个单独分支。
In the paper, Salar words are analysed and compared with those in ancient and other modem Turkic languages. 文章分析了撒拉语的词汇系统,将其与古令突厥语族语言系统进行比较。
Turkic Stone Enclosures and Human Statues 突厥石围栏和石雕人像
Comparison the Pronunciations and Noun of the Ancient Turkic Grammar and Modern Kazakh Grammar 试析古代突厥语与现代哈萨克语的语音和名词
Language: khalkha Mongol is the official language. turkic, Russian and Chinese are spoken. 语言:喀尔喀蒙古语为官方语言;突厥语、俄语和汉语也使用。
The Research on the Noun Sites of 7-11 Century Turkic Literature 7~11世纪突厥文献语言名词格位对比研究
A member of a Turkic people of NE Siberia ( mainly in the Lena river basin). 东北西伯利亚(主要在盆河流域)的土尔其语系民族的人。
Any member of the peoples speaking a Turkic language. 一说土尔其语言的民族。
The Turkic language spoken by the Tatar people living from the Volga to the Ural Mountains. 从伏尔加到乌拉尔山脉的鞑靼人所说的突厥语。
The plan was seen by many as aiming at eroding the Uighur Turkic language. 该计划被许多人认为是旨在侵蚀维吾尔语言。
A member of a Turkic people of Uzbekistan and neighboring areas. 乌兹别克斯坦及其邻近地区的土尔其民族的人。
A member of a traditionally nomadic Turkic people inhabiting Turkmenistan and neighboring areas in Iran and Afghanistan. 一个住在土库曼斯坦及其邻近地区、属于土尔其语系的民族的人。
It was sacked by invading Turkic forces, and its famous library burned down in 1193, at a time when some of Europe's oldest academic institutions, such as Bologna and Paris, were just beginning to flourish. 1193年突厥兵入侵,洗劫了那烂佗,并烧毁了它那著名的图书馆。而当时欧洲一些最古老的学府,如博洛尼亚大学(Bologna)和巴黎大学(Paris)等,才开始走向兴盛。
In Yuan Dynasty, some Turkic Christianity documents were written in Syrian letters in China. In this paper, these documents and inscriptions are introduced, and their Turkic phonetic system is analysed. 本文介绍我国发现的元代景教徒用叙利亚文拼写的突厥语碑铭和文献,并对其语音系统进行介绍。
For the deformed inscriptions and difficult interpretations, the studies of old Turkic inscriptions in Uighur Kingom aren't usually neglected. 有关回纥汗国古突厥文碑铭的研究,因碑文残缺、释读困难,其成果较多被人忽视。
A member of a Turkic people of Chinese Turkestan and neighboring areas ( formerly of Mongolia and E Turkestan). 中国、土尔其斯坦及其邻近地区的(以前在蒙古和土尔其斯坦)土尔其语系民族的人。
A member of a Turkic people living near Lake Aral in central Asia. 居住在中亚咸海的土尔其语系民族的人。
Its Turkic features represent several historical layers which reflect contact with different Turkic groups. 它的突厥语特点代表了几种历史层面,这种层面反映出与不同突厥语群的联系。
The works is not only the first Turkic dictionary in the world, but also a concise encyclopedia. 麻赫默德·喀什噶里的这部著作不仅是世界上的第一部突厥语词典,而且也可以称得上是一部简明的百科全书。
The auther holds that different features in ancient Turkic languages have remained as those of modern languages. 古代不同部落和不同地域的语言中所具有的不平衡性表现为诸多现代语言的不同特点。
The Chinese loanwords in the ancient turkic is one of the aspects. 古突厥语中的汉语借词是其中的一个方面。
Internationally, diachronic and synchronic studies of Turkic languages are fruitful. 国际上,在突厥语历时和共时研究方面颇有成果。