Johnson& Johnson is recalling Tylenol 8-hour extended release caplets made there because customers complained that the product smelled moldy. 强生公司已开始召回该工厂生产的泰诺8小时缓释胶囊(Tylenol8-HourExtendedRelease),原因在于有客户投诉说,该产品有霉味。
Painkillers like Tylenol relieve social pain the same way they relieve physical pain. 泰诺(Tylenol)等止痛药可以像减轻肉体疼痛一样,减轻大脑的痛疼。
The competition includes acetaminophen, the active substance in products like Tylenol. 服用对乙酰氨基酚的竞争的活性物质,包括在产品如扑热息痛。
I stopped on my way to grab three Tylenol from the bathroom. 我去卧室的中途停了下来,从卫生间抓了三颗泰诺。
Acetaminophen ( Tylenol) poses another problem because, combined with alcohol, it can damage the liver. 对乙酰氨基酚(商品名泰诺(Tylenol))会造成另外一个问题,因为它和酒精混合后会损伤肝脏。
A very good summary of the Tylenol case. 这是对Tylenol案例的很好的总结。
The first, such as the 1982 recall of Tylenol painkillers after seven people died when a lunatic spiked bottles of pills, is an emergency for which a company is not to blame, even if it might have done more to prevent it. 前一类属于突发事件,就算公司本可以做更多工作来防范,公司也是没有责任的,比如1982年的泰诺(Tylenol)止痛药召回事件。之前,一个精神病人刺破药瓶、导致7人丧生。
Acetaminophen, also called paracetamol, is found in Tylenol, Excedrin and other products that do not require a doctor's prescription. 醋氨酚,俗称扑热息痛,是一种发现于羟苯基乙酰胺,埃克塞德林以及其他产物中的药品,这些药品是医生严令禁止的。
It is now time to retire the Tylenol case study. 现在,是时候淘汰这个案例分析了。
I think it was in the Chicago area, Tylenol from taking Tylenol capsules. 我记得是在芝加哥,死因是服用。
Merrill Lynch, Tylenol can bring down a fever, to alleviate cold symptoms, but does not cure. 美林,泰诺都可以退烧,缓解感冒症状,但不治病。
Some examples, the advisors, for example, J& J and Tylenol, the advisors give the CEO bad advice, while in other cases, the advisors give good advice. 比如说,在一些例子中,比如强生公司的Tylenol,CEO给的建议就不好,但在其他例子中,给的建议却很受用。
Most patients will have some fever after the injection, but it can probably be handled with Tylenol. 在注射之后,大部分病人会发热,但扑热息痛可以控制住发热。
Acetaminophen is the active ingredient in painkillers such as Tylenol. 在止痛药如泰诺林对乙酰氨基酚是其活性成分。
Any medicine that you might need such as Tylenol or Aleve should be packed. 旅行必备的基本药品,像是泰利诺和萘普生。
Acetaminophen is also marketed under the brand names Tylenol and Panadol. 对乙酰氨基酚还有其它名字如泰诺林和必理通。
Gargle some salt water for your sore throat and take some tylenol for your fever. 喉咙痛就用一些盐水漱喉,发烧就吃一些退烧药。
Dimethylol adipic acid amide` Tylenol 'is a proprietary drug of which` acetaminophen' is the generic form. ‘羟苯基乙酰胺’是非注册药物‘退热净’的专卖形式。
Brand Audit shows that Panodol, Tylenol, and Bufferin evoke different association. 品牌检验显示,必理通,泰诺和百服宁有截然不同的品牌联想。
CEO The question that was posed to the CEO Tylenol was do we recall all of the Tylenol capsules in the world because they are maybe dangerous to our customers. 有人便问强生公司的,公司是否应该在世界范围内召回,因为他们可能会对我们的消费者造成危害。
So I stumbled over to the medicine cabinet and took what I thought were three tylenol cold's. 我之前从没感冒的如此严重,就蹒跚着走向放药的柜子,拿了三片我以为是感冒药的药片吃了下去。
Take these multi-vitamins and Tylenol. 把这些综合维他命和退烧药吃下去。
I don't think that the Tylenol is gonna do it, we need a doctor! 我想外行干不了这个,我们需要医生!
Assay of Acetaminophen in Oral Liquid of Tylenol by Double Wavelength-Differential Spectrophotometry 差示双波长分光光度法测定泰诺口服液中对乙酰氨基酚的含量
Efficacy analysis of Tylenol Cold and Cough Syrup on children's common cold 泰诺感冒咳嗽糖浆治疗小儿上感疗效分析