To account for cultural variation, Tylor and other early evolutionists postulated that different contemporary societies were at different stages of evolution. 为解释文化的差异,泰勒和早期的进化论者们假定,文化进化的不同阶段可以存在同一时代的不同社会当中。
Implicit within Tylor's definition is the concept that culture is learned. shared, and patterned behavior. 泰勒的定义中隐含有一种概念,即文化是学来的、共享的、模式化的行为。
Tylor maintained that culture evolved from the simple to the complex and that all societies passed through three basic stages of development: from savagery through barbarism to civilization. 泰勒主张,文化是从简单进化到复杂的,所有的社会都要经历如下三个发展阶段:野蛮时代,蒙昧时代,文明时代。
Tylor believed there was a kind of psychic unity among all peoples that explained parallel evolutionary sequences in different cultural traditions. 泰勒认为,所有民族的心性都是同一的,这就解释了同样的文化进化进程何以能够出现在不同的文化传统中。
The making of pottery is an example of a survival in the sense used by Tylor. 比如,制作陶器就是泰勒所认为的遗存之一。
Sir Edward Tylor's formulation of the concept of culture was one of the great intellectual achievements of19th century science. 爱德华。泰勒爵士对文化概念的阐述是19世纪社会科学的伟大文化成就之一。