He did not leave his house in Newcastle upon Tyne for six months, and when he failed to take the flawless shot, he tried to kill himself by taking an overdose. 丹尼住在泰恩河旁边的纽卡斯尔市,他已经有六个月呆在家自拍没出屋了。照片拍得不完美时,他甚至试过服药过量自杀。
Ms Murphy's talk was arranged by a reminiscence group at the Addison Court Nursing Home where she lives in Tyne and Wear. 墨菲女士的演讲是由一个爱迪生法庭养老院的怀旧团体安排组织的,她在泰恩-威尔郡的时候就住在这个养老院。
I graduated from University of Newcastle upon Tyne with a degree in Cross Culture Communication. 后来我从纽卡斯尔大学毕业并且拿到了跨文化交流专业的学位。
Over ten years ago stations on the Tyne and Wear Metro were equipped with speakers that blasted out classical music. 早在十年前,泰恩和威尔地铁站就配备了高音喇叭播放古典音乐。
Tyne: Well my main instrument is the piano and the clarinet is my second. 泰恩:我主要是学钢琴,第二乐器是单簧管。
The final of the earliest recorded beauty contest in Britain took place, at Newcastle upon Tyne. 英国最早有记载的选美赛比赛在泰恩河畔的纽卡斯尔举行。
Of or relating to marine shipping or navigation. A freight barge, especially one for carrying coal on the Tyne River in England 海船的,航运的海船或航运的,与海船或航运有关的运煤平底船一种运货船,尤指英格兰泰因河上运煤的船
Important rivers flowing into the North Sea are the Thames, Humber, Tees, and Tyne. 流入北海的重要河流是:泰晤士,亨伯,蒂斯,泰恩。
And coal boats went past. A freight barge, especially one for carrying coal on the Tyne River in England 运煤平底船一种运货船,尤指英格兰泰因河上运煤的船
If anyone can survive this storm, it's Billy tyne. I'll give him that. 若有人能在这场风暴中幸存,那一定是比利-泰恩。
The Millennium not only serves a functional purpose as the River Tyne's only foot and cycle bridge, but its grace outline and beautiful night scene attract people from all over the world. 千禧桥不仅仅是泰恩河上唯一一座可以供行人和自行车共同通行的桥梁,它优美的外形和美丽的夜景也吸引着各地游客。
They are considered a delicacy in China and Japan when eaten raw and are already present in some British rivers including the Thames, Humber and Tyne. 这种在中国和日本被视为美味的蟹种已经在英国的泰晤士河、亨伯河和泰恩河都被发现。
Founded in Newcastle upon Tyne, the company was renamed Berghaus because of the standing in the market of German products. 成立于纽卡斯尔的这家公司之所以改名为berghaus,是因为其在德国产品市场中的声望。
Kaylee Davidson was five months old when she received a new heart during a pioneering operation at the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, in1987. 1987年,凯莉·戴维森在泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔的弗里曼医院接受了一次开创性的手术,植入了一颗新的心脏,当时她才五个月大。
When I was born, there were 23 shipyards on the river Tyne. 当年我出生时,泰恩河(Tyne)上有23家造船厂。