The Java and C functions can be used in external programs, or directly inside the engine with User Defined Routines ( UDRs). Java和C函数可以在外部程序中使用,或者直接在引擎中与用户定义例程(UDR)一起使用。
There are limitations on the number of arguments that can be passed to a UDR used by a functional index. 对于用于函数索引的UDR,传递给它的参数在数量上有所限制。
Verify that the data was loaded and that the C UDRs can be accessed 验证是否已加载数据以及是否能够访问CUDR
Note, however, that large objects can be passed to the UDR as arguments. 然而,需要注意,可以将大对象作为参数传递给UDR。
This tutorial shows you how to compile and run your VTI UDR as a shared library. 本教程向您展示如何编译并将您的VTIUDR作为共享库运行。
The DataBlade API provides functions, called the fastpath interface, to call another UDR. DataBladeAPI提供一些称为fastpath接口的函数来调用另一个UDR。
UDRs in cross-database and cross-server distributed operations to most contexts where a UDR is valid in the local database. 从跨数据库和跨服务器的分布式操作中的UDR,扩展到大多数本地数据库中存在有效UDR的环境中。
UDRs, like random number generators and current date/ time functions, are variant and therefore cannot be used. 和随机数生成程序、当前日期/时间函数一样,UDR通常是变化的,因此不能用于函数索引。
Create functional indexes on the functions provided by our C UDR and issue the query again 对CUDR提供的函数创建函数索引并再次发出查询
If your server is configured with IFX_EXTEND_ROLE set to ON, then you will need the EXTEND role in order to create the UDRs. 如果服务器配置中的IFXEXTENDROLE设置为ON,则需要使用EXTEND角色才能创建UDR。
Compile the C UDR and create a shared library. 编译CUDR并创建一个共享库。
A UDR used by a functional index cannot have arguments that are collection data types. 如果将某个UDR用于函数索引,则该UDR不能使用集合数据类型作为参数类型。
Depending on how your IDS server is configured, you may need to have the EXTEND role in order to create the C UDRs. 根据您的IDS服务器的配置方式,您可能需要使用EXTEND角色创建CUDR。
A functional index is created on values returned by a User Defined Routine ( UDR). 函数索引是根据用户定义例程(UserDefinedRoutine,UDR)返回的值创建的。
Copy the shared library that contains the C UDRs to INFORMIXDIR 将包含CUDR的共享库复制到INFORMIXDIR
Here the term UDR is used generically to refer to functions that return a value. 这里的UDR一词通常用来指代返回值的函数。
An unidirectional dielectric radiator for antenna is simulated with FDTD method on PC. The radiation pattern is calculated, and numerical results agree with experimental results. 在PC机上应用扩展虚拟内存技术对一种单向介质辐射器(UDR)模型进行了FDTD模拟,求出了远场区辐射方向图,得出的数值结果与实测值较好地吻合;