Research on the Deep Micro Holes Machining by EDM with USM in Inverted Layout 倒置式电火花超声复合加工深微孔的研究
Through MAC, encryption and timestamp, USM protects management messages from communication threats. 用户安全模型使用消息鉴别码、加密和时间戳保护网管消息的传输安全。
Since the ultrasonic motor ( USM) is a nonlinear capacitive load, a matching circuit is needed to keep the output voltage and the phase shift constant. 超声电机为非线性容性负载,需要进行阻抗匹配,并保持电压和相移恒定。
USM will try to enhance high frequencies, which is not something that I want. 超声波马达将努力提高高频率,这不正是我想要的。
Intelligent Control Methods with Applications to USM 智能控制方法及在超声马达中的应用
The experimental result indicates that cutting speed, precise process and surface quality of the combined USM and ECM machining are all greatly improved compared with those of the USM or ECM. 试验结果表明,超声电解复合加工和单一的超声加工、电解加工比较可显著提高其加工速度、加工精度及表明质量。
The Research of USM's Speed and Position Control System Based on ARM 基于ARM的超声波电机速度位置控制系统研究
Control strategies for the two DOF trajectory following are studied and applied to the prototype USM. 研究了其中两个自由度的运动轨迹跟踪控制策略,并将其应用于电机样机的控制。
A newly developed input output recurrent neural network ( IORNN) identifier of USM is constructed. 建立了一个新的输入输出反馈神经网络结构用于超声马达速度辨识。
The ultrasonic linear motor has recently become a hotspot in the research and development of USM. 直线超声电机是近年来超声电机研究与发展中的热点。
The experiment results show that USM can complete rapid response speed and high precise position control while using neuron PID controller. 实验表明,使用神经元自适应PID算法对超声波电机进行速度和位置控制,可以达到快速响应和高精度的控制效果。
The rotary ultrasonic machining is a new ultrasonic machining ( USM) method which has been mainly used to drill holes in hard and brittle materials such as ceramics, semiconductors, and glasses in recent years. 旋转超声波加工是一种新的超声波复合加工方法。近年来,它主要用于陶瓷、半导体和玻璃等硬脆材料的孔加工。
The developed test system for ultrasonic motors ( USM) in-plane vibration modal testing is introduced. 介绍了所研制的超声波电动机面内振动模态试验测试系统。
Although the experimental result is not good, it offers a reference for the study on the characteristic of USM used as step motor. 此外,本文还研究了行波超声波电机的步进特性,尽管实验结果并不理想,但是它为行波超声波电机步进特性的研究提供了一定的借鉴意义。
Ultrasonic motor ( USM) is a new principle motor, which applies piezoelectric vibration and frictional force as the driving source. 超声波电机是一种利用超声振动和摩擦力为驱动源的新原理电机。
Designing the universal transient response measuring system of USM; introducing its general design principle and structure and the function of each part of the system and each module of the software, especially the measuring methods of the encoder. 介绍了超声波电机瞬态特性测试系统的设计原则、总体结构,重点介绍了测试系统硬件的各个组成部分以及软件各个模块的功能和实现过程,特别对光电编码器的测速方法作了详细说明。
This method provided fundamental basis for control strategy and closed control of ultrasonic motors, practicality experiment of manufactory, effective verification for the industrialization of USM and its materials made in our country. 该方法为超声电动机的驱动控制策略和控制方法的实现奠定了理论基础,为样机设计提供了实际经验,对我国超声电动机产业化及其原材料的国产化作了有效探索。
Based on the contact pattern between the stator and rotor, USM is classified as contact type and non-contact type. 根据电机定子和转子间能量传递方式,超声波电机分为接触型和非接触型。
Introducing principle, the development history and characteristic of USM and analyzing development and problem of driving source and position control method of USM. 简要地介绍了超声波电机的原理、发展历史和特点,重点分析了超声波电机驱动电源和定位控制的研究进展和存在的问题,从而引出本硕士论文的研究意义和主要内容。
The construction and principle of travelling wave type ultrasonic motor ( USM) is presented in this paper, its basic equations and equivalent circuit are given. 在介绍了行波型超声波电机结构和基本工作原理的基础上,给出了超声波电机的基本关系式和等效电路。
However, the research on its transient character has just started, which confines the application level and field of USM. 但是对其瞬态特性的研究尚处于起步阶段,这种状况极大的限制了行波型超声波电机应用水平的提高和应用领域的拓展。
The equivalent circuit model ( ECM) can predigest the driving and controlling model of the USM. 应用机电类比原理,建立超声电机的等效电路模型,可以简化超声电机的驱动控制电路,本文正是在此基础上对超声电机的等效电路进行了研究。
Besides, the position tracking control of USM for triangle and sinusoid is studied by means of P-control. 采用比例控制算法研究行波超声波电机对三角波、正弦波曲线的快速位置轨迹控制。
Then how USM works and how the ellipse trace of particle on the surface of stator forms are analyzed. 接着分析了超声波电动机的工作原理和定子表面质点椭圆运动的形成机理。
This kind of USM has merits such as high output torque, simple driving and easy controllability. 研制了一种基于单振子纵弯换能器驱动的多自由度球型超声电机,该电机具有绝对输出转矩大、驱动简单和控制性能好等优点。
Recently, research on USM under abnormal environment has become a focus of many researchers from domestic and abroad. 近年来,超声马达在非常态环境下的研究,已成为国内外学者关注的热点。
Ultrasonic motor ( USM) is a new kind actuator developed during recent three decades, which transform micro displacement into macro motion of rotators via resonant amplifying and frictional effect by using converse piezoelectric effect and ultrasonic vibration. 超声电机是近三十年发展起来的一种新型驱动器,其工作原理是利用压电陶瓷的逆压电效应和超声振动,将材料的微观变形通过共振放大和摩擦运动转化成转子的宏观运动。
Function of each unit and design process is introduced in brief. ( 2) Modal simulation analysis of the stepped horn, the key component of the USM acoustic system, is carried out. 简要介绍了各单元的功能和设计过程。(2)对超声加工声学系统的关键部件&阶梯形变幅杆进行了仿真分析研究。
Base on CMP and USM, the mechanism of integrate polishing was analyzed systematically. 基于化学机械抛光和超声振动加工技术,进行了复合抛光加工机理研究。
This kind of USM has merits such as simple structure and high output torque. 研制了一种基于四换能器协调驱动的球型超声电机,该电机具有结构简单、输出转矩大等优点。