UX is even more important for the emerging generation of young people who are now finding jobs as knowledge workers. 用户体验对新一代的知识型劳动者甚至更重要。
The heightened expectations for UX design can be seen in both subtle and striking ways. 人们对用户体验设计的期望值已大大提升,无论是在微观层面,还是宏观层面都能看到这一点。
Unlike most venture firms that compete on brand and 'expertise,' Google ventures has a unique, Engineering-Focused set of support it provides Entrepreneurs: engineering scale consulting, UX/ UI design researc, and engineer recruiting aid. 和大多数风投公司围绕品牌和专业性展开竞争不同,谷歌风投能为创业者提供独一无二的工程支持体系:工程规模咨询,UX/UI设计研究,以及协助招募工程师。
Traditionally the domain of consumer brands wooing shoppers on short sales cycles, UX is gaining influence in a wide range of sectors courting rationally minded business buyers. 过去,通常是致力于在短期销售周期内吸引客户的消费品牌才会注重用户体验,如今,用户体验在更广泛的领域获得了重视,以便吸引理性商业客户。
Through the use of UXs, it is now possible to lock columns in a grid as well as group grid columns. 通过使用UX,可以将网格中的列锁定,以及将网格列合并成组。
User Experience ( UX) experts and Web designers try to make the visual elements as attractive, and ideally, as accessible as possible. 用户体验(UserExperience,UX)专家和Web设计者尽最大努力提高可视化元素的吸引力和可访问性。
In the next section, you will learn about the User Experience ( UX) enhancements that JavaScript frameworks offer to Web developers. 在下一节中,您将学习JavaScript框架为Web开发人员提供的用户体验(UX)增强功能。
Forms received a new field type in the ux namespace named SpinnerField. 表单在ux名称空间增加了一个新的字段类型,名为SpinnerField。
In the process of developing the wireframes, UX experts will almost certainly introduce more core concepts than in the original business analysis. 与初始的业务分析相比,在开发wireframe的过程中,UX专家几乎肯定会引入更多的核心概念。
The UX team develops wireframes ( the presentation for the site), structured to reflect the problem space, and puts them through a user test regime. UX团队开发反映问题空间的wireframe(站点的表示),并使之通过用户测试。
Where ux should be replaced by the ID of your agent. 应该使用您的代理ID替换其中的ux。
While UX and go-to-market strategies may need to adapt to different markets and segments, the back-end technologies can apply globally. 尽管客户体验和入市策略可能需要作出调整,以适应不同市场和部门,但后端技术却能在全球范围内应用。
Many people who are new to Agile are confused about the place of UI and UX design on Agile teams. 很多刚接触到敏捷的人往往搞不清楚UI和UX设计在敏捷团队里的位置。
Another is that it would bridge the Windows and Linux/ UX/ Mac communities for the benefit of all. 另一个原因是可以加强Windows和Linux/UNIX/Mac社区的交流,这对大家都有好处。
Forcing UX design into the same iteration as it's corresponding development can lead to impulsive design, losing opportunity to test design ideas on user. 强迫用户体验设计过程使用与其对应开发工作所采取的迭代方式,这会导致冲动式设计(impulsivedesign),丧失与用户测试设计想法的机会。
Morris considers that UX development should follow these steps: first is the Conceptual Design followed by Information Design, then Interaction Design, and last comes Presentation Design. Morris认为UX开发应该遵循以下步骤:首先是遵循信息设计的概念设计,然后是交互设计,最后是呈现设计。
Lean UX gets designers out of the deliverables business and back into the experience design business. 精益UX让设计师跳出交付业务回到体验设计上来。
Recently, there has been more talk about welcoming UI and UX into Agile teams and Lean UX has been at the forefront. 最近出现了很多关于欢迎UI和UX加入到敏捷团队以及精益UX的前沿讨论。
One UX approach simply does not work for all these platforms. 一种UX(用户体验)模式不能简单的照搬到所有平台。
Given the context of most recent discussions on the subject, one would have to think that a non-differentiated UX would have to mean any kind of UI that came before WPF or Silverlight. 在最近的关于这个主题的讨论之中,人们会认为非差异化的用户体验就是指WPF或者Silverlight来到之前的任何类型的用户界面。
He describes a "minefield" of6 ways he's seen agile fall short in a UX sense 他从用户体验的角度出发,描述了自己所见过的、敏捷出现问题的6种“雷区”
In fact, it may not even exist now given that a quick search in Live or Google yields almost nothing for the search term "differentiated UX" or "differentiated UI". 事实上他可能还不存在,既然现在通过Live和Google快速搜索关键词“differentiatedUX”或者“differentiatedUI”,几乎没有搜索结果。
User Experience ( UX) is a concept pertaining to the overall – or holistic – encounter between users and interactive technical systems. 用户体验(UserExperience,简称UX)是一个关于用户(users)以及交互(interactive)技术系统领域的整体概念。
A study by UX Matters found that the ideal position for labels in forms is above the fields. UXMatters的一份研究发现表单中的标签(label)的理想位置是在字段(field)的上面。
Your English will be not a blocker, but if you speak good English, this will very much help get more chances to work globally and get in touch with our talents in Global UX community; 你的英文不是阻止你成长的关键,当然如果你能灵活使用英文,这意味着你会更好融入我们全球的社区以及更多在海外工作的机会;
Of course, the root of the problem is that developers should not be doing the UI any longer. A designer has to be involved if good UX is a target 当然,问题的根源是开发人员不应该再做UI,如果好的用户体验是目标的话加入一名设计师
Some of the problems with porting open source projects from UX to Windows are related to the different file systems, command line interfaces, underlying APIs, user interfaces, supporting libraries. 将开源项目从UNIX移植到Windows存在很多问题,比如不同的文件系统、命令行、底层API、用户界面以及程序库。
Drive: UX practitioners are part of the customer or product owner team 驱动:用户体验从业者是客户或者产品所有者团队的一部分
I think there is something to Lean UX. 我体会到有些东西是符合精益UX的。
UX specialist Anthony Colfelt presents a case for how agile, alone, might not be sufficient and a thorough and engaging look into how User-Centered Design can, and should, be merged with it. 用户体验专家AnthonyColfelt使用一个案例告诉我们:仅有敏捷是不够的;他还深入指出:“以用户为中心的设计”(以下简称UCD)能够,而且应该与敏捷合并使用。