The parasitic larva of certain freshwater mussels of the family unionidae, having hooks for attaching to the gills or other external parts of a host fish. 瓣钩幼虫珠蚌科淡水贝类的寄生幼体,长有钩并用来附着在寄宿主鱼的鳃或其他体外部分。
Observation on Shell Surface of Glochidia of Two Freshwater Mussel Species ( Unionidae) by SEM 钩介幼虫壳表面结构的扫描电镜观察
A scanning electron microscopic study of the shells of Unionidae 蚌科贝壳的扫描电镜观察
Unionidae is an important group of freshwater benthos. Due to the convergence phenomenon of freshwater mussels, there is still much controversy in the classification of Chinese Unionidae. 蚌科是淡水底栖动物的重要类群,由于淡水蚌类存在趋同现象,致使我国蚌科在分类上仍然存在许多争议。
Two new species of freshwater mussel of the genus scabies from China ( lamellibranchia: unionidae) 中国糙蚌属二新种(瓣鳃纲:蚌科)