You've got it all figured out, haven't you, agent vann? 你不是都想到了吗,范恩探员?
For his flattering portraits, giving Pol Pot a fresh-faced girl's rosy cheeks, Mr Vann Nath's name in the prison ledger was tagged "Keep for use". 因为自己那幅曲意逢迎,赋予波尔布特少女般玫瑰面庞的画作,凡纳的名字在监狱名单上被归类为“留着用”。
The fleeing warders of S-21 left behind troves of documents outlining the prison's work, but it was Mr Vann Nath, painting his memories in sombre oils, who showed most vividly what had happened there. 仓皇逃窜的S-21狱卒留下的文件书写了监狱运作的大体轮廓,然而正是凡纳用昏暗,严肃的颜料描绘出的个人记忆,才活生生的展示了那里曾经发生的过往。
You're not the only one with connections, agent vann. 不是只有你神通广大,范恩探员。
Mr Vann Nath, who suffered years of kidney disease, struggled to afford even basic care. 而凡纳饱受多年的肾病折磨,却要努力维持甚至基本的护理。