In his vernacular scenes Vermeer paints mainly women to whom men, IF they are present, play a subsidiary role. 在他画的日常景象中,弗米尔主要描绘女人,如果有男子出现,也只作为陪衬。
He has recreated Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Van Gogh's self-portrait and Johannes Vermeer's the Girl with the Pearl Earring in his own unique style. 他已经用自己的独特方式再创作了达芬奇的蒙娜丽莎,梵高的自画像以及维米尔的戴珍珠耳环的少女。
It was a fertile time for art ( Rembrandt, Vermeer) and literature ( Racine, Moliere, Milton, Pascal) and unfortunately, bad philosophy ( Hobbes, Locke). 同时,当时也是艺术(伦布兰特,弗米尔)和文学(拉辛、莫里哀、米尔顿、帕斯卡)的多产期,而不幸的是,哲学(霍布斯、洛克)并不发达。
Vermeer's paintings are not mere photographic snapshots: they contain past, present and future just as people do. 弗米尔的绘画不仅仅是真实纪录现实的照片,就像人类一样,包含着过去、现在和将来。
This artful photo befits its smaller subject, the Rijksmuseum, with its monumental collection of17th-century Dutch masters, including works by Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Frans Hals. 这幅巧妙的图片适合它的较小的主题,那国立博物馆,和它的纪念碑一起收藏了17世纪荷兰的主要的,包括伦布兰特,维梅尔和弗兰的作品。
And yet, in vermeer, things are rarely as they seem. 然而,在弗米尔的作品中,事情很少是它们看上去的那样。
A series of questions occur when one looks at Vermeer's famous painting "Girl with a Pearl Earring". 人们欣赏弗米尔的著名画作戴着珍珠耳环的女孩的时候会产生一系列问题。
A person who had plied at the weaver's trade for 20 years. Vermeer worked painstakingly, and apparently alone. 一位已辛勤工作二十年的织工弗米尔辛勤地,而且显而易见是一个人单独在工作。
For 300 years it has been impossible to try to answer these questions without crossing frontiers and continents, to visit Vermeer's few and scattered paintings. 300年来不跨越国境和大洲去寻访弗米尔那不多而又分散的作品,就不可能回答这些问题。
The Aesthetic Interest in the Public of Hals and Vermeer's Painting Art 论哈尔斯与维米尔绘画艺术的大众审美趣味
It is fitting that Proust understood Vermeer's proud statement about Delft. 普鲁斯特能理解弗米尔对代尔夫特自豪的表现是很自然的。
There is no evidence that Vermeer went to italy, and no evidence that he did not; 没有迹象表明弗米尔去过意大利,也没有迹象表明他没有去过。
Montias calculates that Vermeer can have sold only two or three paintings a year. 蒙蒂阿斯计算出弗米尔一年只能卖出两三件绘画作品。
In vermeer, the enterprise recurs. 在弗米尔身上,这一创举重现了。
The fact that no other painter adopted Vermeer's style suggests that there was no workshop and no apprentices. 没有别的画家秉承弗米尔的风格这一事实表明,他没有开过教画班,也没有学生。
All that fills the scales are two drops of light ( how fitting that one of Vermeer's most metaphysical paintings should involve weighing light). 天平盘里只有两点光(弗米尔的最抽象的绘画作品之一涉及称光的重量是再合适不过了)。
Vermeer worked painstakingly, and apparently alone. 弗米尔辛勤地,而且显而易见是一个人单独在工作。
He is known affectionately as "Mr Vermeer", having worked from 1988 onwards to assemble the paintings in Washington. 因为自1988年起他一直致力于将其作品搜集至华盛顿,人们亲切地称他为弗米尔先生。
Silent Space and Poetic Atmosphere& Johannes Vermeer's Art 静谧的空间,诗一般的意境&维米尔的绘画艺术
They included three paintings by Rembrandt and another by the Dutch master Johannes Vermeer. 包括三件伦勃朗的画,还有荷兰大师维梅尔的作品。
Vermeer was painting during the springtime of the Dutch nation, which was born out of a war of independence against Spain. 弗米尔创作时荷兰正处于朝气蓬勃的时期,它刚刚赢得对西班牙的独立战争而获得新生。
Vermeer shared this moral patriotism, as is clear from the bold maps that grace the walls in many of his paintings. 弗米尔也沉浸在这种道义上的爱国主义中,这在他的许多绘画中那些装饰在墙上的醒目的地图可以很清楚地看出来。
Before the tercentenary exhibition brought him to wider public attention, Vermeer had been drawn from obscurity by two men. 在300周年庆典展览使他为更广泛的公众所关注之前,有两个人使弗米尔的名字为人所知。
The 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer holds an inimitable place among painters. 17世纪荷兰画家约翰尼斯·弗米尔在画家中占有一个无与伦比的地位。
The Skopos theory pointed out by Vermeer is the soul of functional theory. 其中venneer提出的目的论是功能翻译理论的灵魂。
Her student, Vermeer smashed the limitation of equivalence theory and created the Skopos theory, which has a deep effect on functionalism. Translation approaches and strategies are determined by the purpose or function of the target text. 赖斯的学生费米尔突破了对等理论的局限,创建了对功能翻译理论有深刻影响的目的论,他指出翻译方法和翻译策略要有译文的预期目的或功能决定。
Skopos theory of translation strategy depending on purpose of target text is expanded in Reiss and Vermeer. 莱丝和弗米尔的书中阐述了目的论,其基本思想是翻译策略取决于目标文本的目的。
Vermeer, who regards translation as a purposeful action, advances three rules of the Skopos Theory. 威密尔把翻译行为看做成一种有目的行为,提出了翻译的三个原则。
Vermeer was a quiet and introverted person immersed in his world of painting. 他性格内向,沉浸在自己的绘画世界里。
The Skopos Theory, advanced by Vermeer and several other German scholars, is a breakthrough in the field of translation studies and an important supplement to the traditional translation approaches. It also provides a new perspective to study the translations of literary works. 目的论是二十世纪七十年代,由德国弗米尔等学者提出来的。作为对传统翻译理论的一个重大突破和翻译理论研究的重要补充,目的论为文学作品的翻译提供了一个新的视角。