When the boys graduated from high school, Ann moved to a small town in Vermont 当儿子们高中毕业后,安搬到佛蒙特州的一个小镇上居住。
Mack was driving down from Vermont, with a stop in Boston to pick Sarah up. 麦克正开车从佛蒙特向南行驶,中途经停波士顿接上萨拉。
Wyoming had three, while South Dakota and Vermont each had four. 怀俄明仅有3起,而南达科他和佛蒙特分别有4起。
A: To a small, cozy place in Vermont. 去了佛蒙特州一个小巧安逸的地方。
She worked on the study with researchers from the University of Vermont and Harvard University School of Public Health. 她同来自福蒙特大学以及哈佛大学公共卫生学校的研究人员一同展开了这项研究。
As it turned out, he fell in love with the Vermont Mountains, took up skiing, skied on his college team and now lives happily in Colorado. 然而后来的情况是,他疯狂地迷上了佛蒙特的山区,开始学习滑雪,并参加了大学里的滑雪队和登山队,现在,他有了更多的新伙伴,他愉快地生活在科罗拉多。
Another 40,000 samples from the Jackson study are kept in freezers in Vermont. 杰克逊研究中的另外40000个样本保存在佛蒙特州(Vermont)的冷库中。
He was a star swimmer and the high school in Vermont had no swim team. 他是学校里的游泳明星,但在佛蒙特的高中里却没有游泳队。
I will send her back to the hospital in vermont. 我就把她送到弗蒙特州的医院去。
Vermont and New Hampshire have acquired a rural chic. 佛蒙特和新罕布什尔有着乡村般的韵致。
Vermont in New England? 新英格兰地区的佛蒙特州吗?
Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire y Vermont, as í como el distrito de Columbia. 马萨诸塞州,新罕布什尔州和佛蒙特州和哥伦比亚特区。
I practice in a rural clinic in Vermont where I see the problems in health care up close. 我在佛蒙特州的一家乡村诊所行医,可以真切地看到医疗保障的问题。
In Vermont and upstate New York, floodwaters cascaded through towns, bordering rivers and creeks. 在佛蒙特州和纽约州北部,洪水淹没了城镇,冲破河岸和小溪。
University of Vermont College of medicine. 美国佛蒙特州大学医学院,以介绍学院为主。
Her parents sent her to boarding school in vermont. 她父母把她送到了佛蒙特州的寄宿学校。
A region of northeastern United States comprising Maine and New Hampshire and Vermont and Massachusetts and Rhode Island and connecticut. 美国东北部的一个地区,由现在的缅因州、新罕布什尔州、佛蒙特州、马萨诸塞州和康涅狄格州和罗德岛组成。
One friend had just returned from a trip to Vermont. 一个朋友刚刚去了一次佛蒙特州旅游。
He's with Emily at a bed and breakfast in vermont! 他和emily在佛莫特州的一个旅馆。
Officials say several hundred roads and many bridges across Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and Vermont remain closed. 官员们表示,康乃迪克州,新泽西州,纽约州和佛蒙特州的数百条道路和许多桥梁仍然关闭。
On our way to a wedding in Vermont, my husband and I realized we had forgotten our camera. 在去佛蒙特州参加婚礼的路上,我和丈夫都发现没带相机。
Remember that time we were vacationing in vermont? 记得我们在佛蒙特度假的那个时候吗。
He passed his winter in vermont. 他在佛蒙特度过了冬季。
Some of our information, for example, came from the University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program. 今天节目中的某些资料是佛蒙特大学的历史文化保护项目为我们提供的。
Carol: Well, I'm going to leave for Vermont next month. 卡罗:嗯,我想下个月去佛蒙特州。
Currently, seven states Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming have only one representative. 目前,7个州阿拉斯加、特拉华、蒙大拿、北达科他、南达科他、佛蒙特和怀俄明只有一名众议员。
The journey began in2003, with a visit to a "hippie architect" house-building camp in Vermont. 作为旅行的开始,2003年她首先参观了佛蒙特州的一处“嬉皮士建筑师”的房居社区。
As his strength returned, Bedell told Bettie about his wife and children in Westfield, Vermont. 当贝德尔恢复了气力后,他向贝蒂讲述了他在韦斯菲德的佛蒙特的妻子和孩子。
I also ate maple sugar candy, which is a special candy made in Vermont. 我还吃了枫糖,那是佛蒙特州的特产。
This is what she was like before you sent her to vermont. 你送她去佛蒙特州之前,她就是这个样子。