He became Vivien Leigh's devoted friend and comforter. 他成了费雯丽忠诚的朋友和给她安慰的人。
As soon as the filming was finished, Vivien did a screen test for the film, Rebecca. 电影刚拍摄完毕,费雯丽便马上为电影《蝴蝶梦》试镜。
Larry and Vivien were stiII in love. 拉利和慧云李虽然仍然相爱。
During fiiming Vivien suffered a miscarriage. 拍摄期间,慧云李流产。
It was vivien's Iast memorabie screen performance. 这是慧云李令人难忘的幕前演出。
Vivien had got and given far more than that. 慧云李得到和付出的绝不止这些。
I like the role Vivien Leigh played in "Gone With the Wind". 我喜欢费雯丽在《乱世佳人》中扮演的角色。
Much to her dismay, Vivien abandoned the academy, at Leigh's request, once they became serious about marriage. 但沮丧的是,当他们正式开始谈婚论嫁时,费雯在利的要求下不得不放弃了学院的学习。
Vivien leigh, now a rising star. 慧云李是刚冒起的明星。
Not Iong before she died, Vivien toid a friend. 慧云李临终前,告诉一位朋友。
Wouid make finch Vivien leigh's lover. 令芬奇成为慧云李的情人。
Vivien Chan, Head of Counselling and Development Section, was glad that the award recognised the quality work and professionalism of the Section. 辅导中心主管陈张彩云女士则认为奖项肯定了中心的工作和专业水准。
Vivien, am I going to be meeting more mental people today? 维维安,我今天还要见更多疯子么?
Vivien: Well, but we have been working so hard for the whole morning. 是没错啦,但我们已经忙了一整个早上了。
Vivien Leigh and Conard Veidt star in this dashing spy thriller set in Sweden during the First World War. 第一次世界大战,瑞典是中立国,法、英、德等国在这个国家都有他们的谍报组织。
Love Lives-Laurence Olivier& Vivien Leigh ( 2) 劳伦斯·奥利维尔与费雯丽的爱情生活(2)
During this period Vivien found a new favourite novel that she re-read several times-Gone with the wind. 就在这期间,费委丽找到一本心爱的小说,并反复阅读,这就是《乱世佳人》。
Renowned sculptor Vivien Mallock has produced a7ft-high figure depicting Clough striding towards the gates of Albert Park on his way to training. 这座高7英尺的铜像是由英国著名雕像家马洛克制作的。铜像反映的是克拉夫正跑向训练场地。
In January of1932 Vivien met Leigh Holman while staying at her aunt's in Teignmouth, England. 1932年的1月,费雯待在英国泰冒弗阿姨的家中时,认识了赫伯特。
Vivien Leigh's Life: Fame and Fortune ( 1) 费雯丽的一生:成名与运气(1)