Using his photographs only as an occasional reference point, or to reflect a mood, Vuillard recomposed his subjects at will. 对于维亚尔来说照片仅是一种临时的参考或某种情感的反应,他会随心所欲地对主题进行重塑。
Then what are the symbolistic factors of Vuillard's paintings? 那么维亚尔的绘画中到底存在着哪些象征主义因素呢?
This thesis firstly introduces the social background of symbolism movement and its theory, which offers a standard to judge the symbolistic factors of Vuillard's works. 本文首先分析了象征主义运动产生的社会背景及其理论原则,这是判断维亚尔绘画中象征主义因素的标准;
Next it explores Vuillard's practice in different areas in 1890s and the interaction of the painting, poetics and theater, which is the precondition for analyzing the symbolistic factors of his paintings. 其次分析了维亚尔在19世纪90年代参与象征主义运动的实践,探讨绘画、诗歌和戏剧之间的相互影响,这是理解维亚尔绘画的象征主义因素的铺垫和前提。
Edouard Vuillard is the representative painter of Nabis& the most active painting group in Paris in late 19 century. 爱德华·维亚尔(EdouardVuillard,1868-1940)是19世纪末巴黎最活跃的艺术团体纳比派的代表画家。
The color beauty in Vuillard oil painting is mainly reflected from three facets: the subjective color; decorative color, with mysterious meanings of the symbolic. 第三章维亚尔作品的色彩美主要体现在色彩的主观化;色彩的装饰性;带有神秘意味的象征性三个方面。
The Female Image of Vermeer and the Vuillard deliver their aesthetic ideas is an important symbol, whether it is described by Vermeer that simple, hard working women, or Vial favorite image of his mother and sister. 女性形象是维米尔和维亚尔传递他们审美思想的一个重要符号,不论是维米尔笔下那质朴、勤劳的劳动妇女,还是维亚尔所钟爱的母亲和姐姐的形象。
Vuillard on performance in the theme contents and painting techniques, are filled with the decorative taste and harmonious beauty. 维亚尔在题材内容和绘画技法的表现上,都充满着装饰趣味与和谐美感。
On the screen about the art of language, Vermeer is the performance of middle-class people of the Netherlands was simple realistic style; and Vuillard is the use of the performance of a more subjective approach, the screen showed a strong decorative. 在画面的艺术语言上谈,维米尔是表现当时荷兰中产阶级人民的朴素的写实风格;而维亚尔是运用了一种更加主观的表现手法,画面表现出强烈的装饰性。