Ayer started N. W. Ayer& Son in 1869, naming the firm for his father. 艾尔在1869年成立了N.W.艾尔父子公司,公司以他父亲的名字命名。
W. Somerset Maugham's novel still packs an emotional punch. 威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆的小说仍具有强烈的情感冲击力。
And Gates said he thought Mr. Obama was more analytical than his predecessor, George W. 盖茨说,他认为奥巴马比他的前任布什更善于分析。
This afternoon, I spoke to former President George W. Bush. 今天下午,我与前总统布什对过话。
Said Michael W. McCormick, the executive director of the Global Business Travel Association. 全球商务旅行协会的执行主任迈克尔·W·麦考密克(MichaelW.McCormick)说。
George W. Bush, former US president, described her as a great ally who strengthened the special relationship. 美国前总统小布什(GeorgeW.Bush)称撒切尔为一位强化了美英特殊关系的伟大盟友。
Previous winners have included Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, Bono and President George W. Bush. 之前的获奖者包括美联储主席本•伯南克、波诺和总统乔治•w•布什。
Previously, he was Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President George W. Bush. 他之前曾任乔治oWo布什总统的经济顾问委员会(councilofeconomicadvisers)主席。
Not even George 8201; W. Bush was this audacious. 即便是乔治•W•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)都没这么大胆。
In this paper, synthesis is regarded as one kind of non-linear aggregation of multiple factors and W. 文章中的综合指的是对多个因素的一种非线性集结处理。
Pronounced or articulated with both lips, as the consonants b, p, m, and w. 双唇音的用双唇发音或说话的,如辅音b,p,m和w。
But I have faith in Baseball Commissioner George W. 可是我依然对棒球委员会委员长乔治。W。
Look at the reaction in India to some fairly anodyne comments by President George W. Bush. 不妨看一看,在美国总统乔治•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)发表了一些相当平淡的评论之后,印度人做出了什么样的反应。
President George W. Bush meanwhile opened the door to further emergency actions by US authorities. 与此同时,美国总统乔治布什(georgew.bush)为美国政府采取进一步紧急措施敞开了大门。
President George W. Bush is, politically, the ultimate toxic asset. 在政治层面,美国总统布什(georgew.bush)是终极“有毒资产”。
He should surely have seen the ideological rigidity of the George W. Bush administration. 他肯定看到了布什政府在意识形态上的僵硬立场。
A w Notice that I'm only printing I and a w. 注意我只是打印i和。
Perhaps the most disturbing results come from the research carried out by a University of Michigan psychologist, Harold W. 也许最令人不安的结果来自于密歇根大学心理学家哈罗德·W·斯蒂文森进行的研究。
George W. Bush was generous enough to congratulate his successor on a "momentous achievement". 乔治w布什(georgew.bush)大方地祝贺自己的继任者取得“历史性成就”。
Michael Chertoff was the Secretary of Homeland Security during the final years of George W. 迈克尔.切尔托夫在布什总统执政的最后几年中担任国土安全部部长。
George W. Bush, US president, stressed diplomacy rather than military action. 美国总统布什(georgew.bush)强调使用外交手段,而不是军事行动。
The formal announcement by US President George W. Bush could come as early as today. 美国总统乔治布什(georgew.bush)最早将于今日正式宣布这一消息。
This was an honour that George W. Bush, the previous president, accorded Canada in 2001. 这是前任总统乔治布什(georgew.bush)在2001赋予加拿大的荣誉。
We're getting an address from the back trace W. 追踪到了一个地址。
In 2004 George W. Bush won 44% of Hispanics; Mr Romney got 27%. 在2004年,小布什争取到了44%的拉美裔选票,而罗姆尼只有27%。
W Now, we have u, q and w. 现在我们有u,q和。
President George W. Bush immediately signed the legislation, which he has lobbied for vigorously in recent days. 布什总统(GeorgeW.Bush)立刻签署通过了这条法案,此前数日他为通过该法案大量游说。
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the National Center for Research Resources and the Herbert W. 国家心脏,肺和血液协会,国家研究资源中心和布朗大学的HerbertW。