n. 华尔堡(Otto Heinrich,1883—,德国生理学家,曾获1931年诺贝尔医学奖) n. 瓦堡(城市名)
As for its investment in the parent company, Warburg Pincus already has sold around half of its stake and a Chinese strategic has offered to buy the remainder ( via a broader takeover attempt of the entire company). 另外华平对泰山石化本身也进行了一些投资,至于这部分投资,华平集团已经售出了其中的半数股权,另外还有一家中国企业表示有意收购华平在泰山石化的剩余股份。
Once Titan defaulted on its bonds, an opportunity arose for Warburg Pincus. 一旦泰山石化出现债务违约,华平集团就会面临一个机会。
Large pure-play PE shops like Warburg Pincus or Hellman& Friedman have virtually no shot ( and, possibly, no interest). 大型的纯私募股权公司,如WarburgPincus或Hellman&Friedman,事实上并无这样的打算(而且,可能也没兴趣)。
Fortune has not been able to learn if the stock sales and buyout offer would result in a net gain or loss for Warburg Pincus on the overall Titan investment. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)目前暂时无法得知这两次股权出售究竟会让华平对泰山石化的总体投资以盈利、还是亏损告终。
The latest rankings find Silver Lake partners and Warburg Pincus tied atop the rankings, with "fitness scores" of 3.0. 最新一期榜单将SilverLakePartners和WarburgPincus并列榜首,“体质分”均为3.0。
In fact, it would almost certainly lose money if the restructuring occurred within the next several months and new investors acquired all of Warburg Pincus 'position. 事实上,如果合资公司在未来几个月内重组、新的投资者攫取了华平在合资公司中的全部股份的话,那么华平集团几乎一定会赔钱。
If a restructuring occurs and Warburg Pincus retains at least some stake, then there is at least the possibility of profit. 不过如果合资公司的确重组了,而且华平保持了至少一部分股权,那么华平至少还有盈利的可能。
Why this would matter for Warburg Pincus goes well beyond basic corporate governance and hurt feelings. 这件事对华平集团的影响,远远超过了基本的企业治理问题,也伤害了华平的感情。
Even if the court agrees with Warburg Pincus, that does not necessarily mean that the firm will profit from its original JV investment. 即便法院宣判华平集团胜诉,也并不一定意味着华平能从对合资公司的初始投资中获得利益。
Warburg Pincus, the US private equity firm, last week became the latest foreign company to tap the market by buying a stake of more than 10 per cent in Guangzhou-based 7 Days Inn for an undisclosed sum, according to Mr Zheng. 据郑南雁介绍,美国私人股本公司华平投资集团(warburgpincus)上周成为最新一家进入这个市场的外国公司,收购了7天连锁酒店超过10%的股份。
Coke said it had agreed to buy a 23 per cent stake in Huiyuan, China's biggest juice-maker, from France's Danone and another 6.8 per cent from Warburg Pincus, the private equity group. 可口可乐表示,其已同意分别收购法国达能(Danone)和私人股本集团华平(WarburgPincus)持有的中国最大果汁制造商汇源23%和6.8%的股份。
Warburg will have the right to nominate two board members, and will receive warrants to purchase additional MBIA shares at$ 40, allowing to it bolster its profit if the share price rises. 华平将有权任命两名董事会成员,还将获得认股权证,以每股40美元的价格购买更多MBIA股份。如果MBIA股价上涨,华平将可以大赚一笔。
Joe Zhang, China analyst at UBS Warburg in Hong Kong, told Reuters that "a lot of hot air" was causing stocks to rise. 任职于瑞银华宝香港分部的中国分析员张乔对路透社说有“不少鼓吹成分”在驱动股市上扬。
Already some firms like Warburg Pincus don't charge them because it hurts the morale of their firms'management, who don't like being milked. 有些公司如华平投资集团就不收取交易费,因为此举有违他们的管理理念。
Joseph Schull, European head of US private equity group Warburg Pincus, warned that his industry should not repeat mistakes made during its heyday in 2006 and 2007, when some companies were bought with excessive loan packages. 美国私募集团华平投资集团(warburgpincus)的欧洲区主管约瑟夫舒尔(josephschull)警告说,私募行业不应重蹈2006-2007年高峰时期的覆辙,当时私募集团以大举借债的方式收购了一些公司。
The big Wall Street firms swept through the City of London in the 1990s, picking up smaller merchant banks, such as Warburg and Schroders, on their way. 上世纪90年代,华尔街大公司扫荡伦敦金融城,一路收编规模较小的商人银行,如Warburg和施罗德(Schroders)。
Warburg Pincus, the US private equity firm, owns 6.8 per cent. 美国私人股本公司华平(WarburgPincus)持有6.8%的股权。
Danone and Warburg Pincus made cornerstone investments in Huiyuan months ahead of its Hong Kong listing in February 2007. 在汇源2007年2月份香港上市前数月,达能与华平对该公司进行了基石投资。
One recent trend is minority equity investments in public companies, such as Warburg Pincus 'recent capital injection into MBIA. 最近一个趋势是投资上市公司的少数股权,例如华平(WarburgPincus)最近向MBIA的注资。
MBIA, the specialist bond insurer, yesterday secured a$ 1bn funding commitment from Warburg Pincus, the US private equity group, in a sign that buy-out investors are finding deals in the most troubled areas of the financial services industry. 专业债券保险公司MBIA昨日从美国私人股本集团华平(WarburgPincus)得到10亿美元的融资承诺,这一迹象表明,收购投资者正在金融服务业最受困扰的领域寻找交易。
Warburg Pincus, which acquired a stake in Gome in February, praised the deal after the fact. 而今年2月收购了国美部分股权的美国华平投资(WarburgPincus)事后也对此交易表示赞赏。
However, after the failure of the Coca-Cola deal, Warburg Pincus sold its stake into the public market last year. 然而,在可口可乐交易失败后,华平于去年在二级市场上出售了所持股权。
Warburg Pincus exited its Huiyuan investment through Royal Bank of Scotland, to whom it had loaned its convertible bonds in 2007, people familiar with the matter said. 知情人士表示,华平退出对汇源投资是由苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)安排的,2007年,华平将其所持可转换债券贷给该银行。
"It's been part of our pitch to investors that we don't do deal fees," says Joseph Landy, one of Warburg Pincus's two bosses. 作为华平公司老板之一的JosephLandy说到‘对于投资者来说这是我们的立场,不再支付交易费用’。
Warburg Pincus and RBS declined to comment. 华平与苏格兰皇家银行均拒绝置评。
Chairman of UBS Warburg Coming 投资银行主席来了&访瑞银华宝投资银行执行主席里昂·布里坦勋爵