Bundles of fluff: Doting cat owner Rosa Wardle shows off her pet Blue Snowman, left, while Yvette Barber holds up her Tabby Colourpoint Firecracker at the Supreme Championship Cat Show. 绒毛团团:猫主人罗莎沃德尔十分溺爱猫,她展示了她的宠物蓝雪人(左),而右边理发师伊维特则带着她的爆竹虎斑猫来参加冠军猫展。
Visit Mr Wardle in the country at Christmas. 圣诞节拜访了乡下的伍德先生。
"Inflation remains the significant policy dilemma for emerging market central banks, with prices being driven higher by both supply side constraints and rising demand," says Clyde Wardle at HSBC. 对于新兴市场国家央行而言,通胀仍是一个政策方面的重大两难困境,供给方面的限制和日益上升的需求都在推高价格,汇丰银行(HSBC)的克莱德·沃德勒(ClydeWardle)称。
Study co-author Professor Jane Wardle, director of Cancer Research UK's Health Behaviour Research Centre at UCL, said: 'Unhealthy lifestyles are a leading cause of death from chronic disease worldwide. 研究的合作者、伦敦大学学院英国癌症研究院健康行为研究中心主任简·沃尔德教授表示:在全世界范围内,不健康的生活方式都是导致患慢性疾病致死的一个主要原因。