"I recollect," said Waverley;" but did not the triumph of Presbytery AT the Revolution extinguish thAT sect?" “我想起来了,”威弗莱说道,“可是,是长老会在革命中得到了胜利,难道这个教派还没有销声匿迹?”
Write an essay analyzing the theme of education in any of the following novels: Sense and Sensibility, Waverley, Confessions, Frankenstein, The Last Man, Great Expectations. 分析「教育」主题在下列小说中的意义:《理智与情感》、《威弗利》、《瘾君子的自白》、《科学怪人》、《最后一人》或《远大前程》。
Waverley or 'Tis Sixty Years Since-The Conflict and Combination between Growing-up Novel and Historical Novel 《威弗莱》&成长小说与历史小说的冲突与融合