Researchers designing vaccines against malaria need to know whether some of their trial participants resist the parasite in this way to interpret their results correctly, says Weatherall. 因此,设计疟疾疫苗的研究者需要知道,他们的临床试验患者中是否有一些参与者能够以这种方式抵御疟疾,只有这样才能正确地解释他们的实验结果。
The Stream of Consciousness Techniques in Porter s "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall"; 波特《被遗弃的韦瑟罗尔奶奶》中的意识流技巧(英文)
American writer Anderson's Death in the woods and Porter's The Jilting of Granny Weatherall reflect the same theme with different writing styles. 美国作家安德森的《林中之死》以及波特的《威塞奥尔奶奶的弥留之际》各自以不同的写作手法表现了相同的主题。
Anderson narrates Crime's tragic life with the technique of naturalism while Porter presents the hard life of 80-year-old Granny weatherall by 24-hour thought presentation with the technique of stream of consciousness. 安德森采用自然主义的手法讲述了格莱姆斯太太悲惨的一生,而波特则通过意识流手法展示了威塞奥尔奶奶一生80年的坎坷经历。
Information Delay and Reader Response& Analysis on the Narrative Techniques The Jilting of Granny Weatherall 信息延迟与读者认知&试析《弃妇》的叙事手法