Mr Whitfield contacted Professor John Shearman of Harvard University, the world's greatest expert on the artist. 经过世界著名艺术品鉴赏专家哈佛大学的希尔曼教授鉴定,这的确是萨托的真迹。
It remained in a collection in New England until it was recently bought by an American collector, who thought it was by Andrea and consulted Clovis Whitfield, who runs Whitfield Fine Art. 最近,美国的一位私人收藏家在英国伦敦新邦迪街一家名为惠特菲尔德珍品艺术的店中发现了这副画,并断定它是萨托的作品。
Police say he didn't touch Parnell but that she died after suffering a heart attack that was triggered by terror. 警方说LarryWhitfield虽然没有碰Parnell,但是Parnell由于受到恐惧,导致心脏病发作而死亡。