Wilks was still comatose on the sofa at lunch time. 午饭时威尔克斯仍旧昏睡在沙发上。
Wilks bet his last ten pounds in a game of poker and lost the lot. 威尔克斯玩扑克牌下了10英镑赌注全输掉了。
With some standard regularity conditions, the classic result of Wilks ( 1938) guarantees the LRT statistic has asymptotically a x2-distribution under null hypothesis. 在某些标准的正则条件下,Wilks1938年的经典结论保证了极大似然比统计量在零假设下渐近于一个卡方分布。
Using principal component analysis to eliminate duplication of information of the original high dimensional data space, and using Wilks criteria to select principal components ensures the reconstruction of data with the best separability. 采用主成分分析对原始的高维数据空间进行优化,去除了数据间信息重叠,使用wilks准则对主分量进行选择,保证了重构数据具有最佳可分性。