Studies on natural infection with Wuchereria malayi and the bionomics relation to climate of Anopheles HYRCANUS sinensis wied. in linhai, chekiang Province 浙江临海地区中华按蚊自然感染马来丝虫及其生物气候学的研究
Preparation of specific biotin labeled DNA probe of Wuchereria bancrofti and its application in gene detection of filariasis 班氏丝虫特异生物素DNA探针的制备及用于丝虫基因检测的研究
Detection of Filarial Larvae in Mosquitoes with Wuchereria Bancrofti Specific DNA Probe Labeled with Biotin/ PCR System 生物素DNA探针/PCR系统用于班氏丝虫蚊媒监测的研究
Investigation on Anopheles anthropophagus naturally infected with Wuchereria bancrofti 嗜人按蚊自然感染班氏丝虫的调查
Observation on pathological changes in the lymphatic system of experimental infected JIRDS with periodic form of Wuchereria MALAYI 周期型马来丝虫人工感染长爪沙鼠所致淋巴系病变的观察
Objective To explore a sensitive and specific method for the detection of Wuchereria bancrofti. 目的寻找一种敏感、特异的班氏丝虫病的检测方法。
The relationship between the physiological age of Culex fatigans and its transmission of Wuchereria bancrofti 狩猎库蚊生理年龄与班氏丝虫传播关系
Culex pipiens pallens is one of important media to transmit Filariasis due to Wuchereria bancrofti and epidemic encephalitis B and so on which is widely found in northern China. 淡色库蚊(Culexpipienspallens)是班氏丝虫病和流行性乙型脑炎等疾病的重要传播媒介,广泛存在于我国北方地区。