I looked for Wyman's picture in my high-school annual 我在中学年刊中寻找怀曼的照片。
Wyman was absorbed in the convulsions of the insect. 怀曼看毛虫乱蹦乱踢,正看得有劲。
Banks must now try to raise the necessary finance to cover the new provisioning requirements – and may need to do more once BlackRock and Oliver Wyman complete their independent assessment of banks 'loans. 眼下,西班牙银行必须尽力筹措必要的资金来满足新的拨备要求&在贝莱德(BlackRock)和奥纬咨询(OliverWyman)对银行贷款情况的独立评估完成之后,它们要做的或许会更多。
Bill Wyman, the former bassist of the Rolling Stones, for example, used to write around a dozen letters a day in the 1960s. It passed the time when they were stuck on tour buses or waiting around hotels before a concert. 上世纪60年代,滚石乐队的前贝斯手比尔?怀曼曾每天回十几封信。有时身在旅途巴士上,或者在演唱会前在酒店周围,他们通过这种方式来打发时间。
Martinez and Wyman had a pressure removed from them. 马丁内兹和怀曼觉得一块石头落了地。
Wyman had lost his power to recuperate. 怀曼已经元气大伤,无力振作了。
Wyman's emotion was embarrassing him. 怀曼的感情使他感到肉麻。
One day in midsummer, when I was hoeing, a man who was carrying a load of pottery to market stopped his horse against my field and inquired concerning Wyman the younger. 仲夏的一天,我正在锄地,有个带着许多陶器到市场去的人勒住了马,在我的田畔问我小魏曼的近况。
Of this, Oliver Wyman estimates that Asian investment banking revenues, including fees earned from sales trading, derivatives, cash equities and commodities businesses, will this year surpass$ 30bn. OliverWyman估计,在这之中,今年亚洲投行业收入将超过300亿美元,其中包括来自销售交易、衍生品、现货证券及大宗商品业务的佣金。
The latest results are radically different from those Oliver Wyman compiled in the years before the financial crisis. 最新结果与奥纬咨询在金融危机之前编制的结果大相径庭。
Joel Wyman: That line is really important. 这句台词非常重要。
Christian Edelmann, an Asia financial services partner at Oliver Wyman, says this can be seen in the deteriorating cost-income ratio for investment banks across Asia. 奥纬咨询亚洲金融服务合伙人克里斯蒂安埃德尔曼(christianedelmann)表示,这一点可以从亚洲投行成本与收入之比的恶化中看出来。
However, the industry in Asia is carrying less flab than in Europe, according to a recent study by Oliver Wyman and Morgan Stanley. 然而,奥纬咨询和摩根士丹利近日的一份报告显示,亚洲投行业不像欧洲同行带有那么多的“赘肉”。
Marian Wyman: Are you cheating Ralph? 玛丽亚·威曼:你骗了拉尔夫?