Wynne was born in Carmarthen, South Wales and studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and the National Opera Studio. 怀恩出生在南威尔士的喀麦登郡,在市政厅的音乐与戏剧学校学习。
Trauma surgeon Julie Wynne described how, after removing the shears, she and other doctors rebuilt the socket with metal mesh and saved the octogenarian's eye. 创伤外科医师裘莉‧伟恩在移除这把剪刀后,描述她与其他医师是如何以金属网重建眼窝,并且保住这位八旬老翁的灵魂之窗。
Four nose-cone fuses for intercontinental ballistic missiles were shipped instead of helicopter batteries that Taiwan had requested, Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne said. 空军部长麦克尔·韦恩说,有四个洲际弹道导弹的头部引信,被当作直升机电池发往台湾。
Brian Wynne's reflexivity model of public understanding of science 布赖恩·温的公众理解科学理论研究:内省模型