Some time after Europe leaders have met in Ypres, the Prime Minister will warn them their sanctions are shifting power toward the European Parliament by the backdoor. 欧洲领导人在伊普耳会晤一段时间后,卡梅伦首相警告称其制裁措施将是秘密转移权利至欧洲议会。
Officials in Ypres say there is more interest in the war today than there was 20 years ago. 伊普尔的官员称,比起20年前,人们对一战的关注度提高了。
Experts say that in one particularly intense three-month campaign in 1917, known as the Third Battle of Ypres, or the Battle of Passchendaele, the British alone fired more than four million shells. 专家称,在1917年历时三个月的恶战第三次伊普尔战役(又称帕斯尚尔战役)中,仅英方发射的炮弹就超过了400万枚。
Most years, there are two or three injuries from World War I munitions in Ypres and the surrounding villages. 在伊普尔及周边的村庄,每年都基本会有两三起一战残余炮弹炸伤人的事件。
Around Ypres, the Allies and the Germans fought for nearly four years in a marathon slugfest that produced some of the war's most famous and deadly battles. 伊普尔一带,协约国与德军曾展开近四年的拉锯战,许多著名战役在此地上演,其间死伤无数。
I am just back from a trip to Belgium, encompassing the battlefields around Ypres(" I was too young for that war") and the medieval charms of Bruges. 我刚从比利时旅行归来,转了转伊普尔的战场(那场战争打响时,我还太小),领略了布鲁日的中世纪魅力。
Ninety-three years ago, during World War I, wounded Canadian soldiers head to an aid-post during the second Battle of Passchendaele, in Flanders, near the town of Ypres, Belgium in1917. 九十三年前,在第一次世界大战期间,头部受伤的加拿大士兵的援助后,在第二次战役的帕斯凯达莱,在佛兰德1917年,在镇附近的伊普尔,比利时。