Repairing of Cleft and Fistula in Soft Palate with Double Opposing Z-plasty 反向双Z术修复软腭裂及腭裂术后软腭穿孔
Nail plate as a graft material in tarsus reconstructive surgery Clinical study of implantation of preserved sclera combined with Z-PLASTY in traumatic eyelid retraction 自体指甲作睑板再造材料的实验研究和临床观察异体巩膜植入联合Z形皮瓣治疗陈旧性外伤性下睑退缩
Clinical study of implantation of preserved sclera combined with Z-PLASTY in traumatic eyelid retraction Keratoepithelioplasty for old ocular burns 异体巩膜植入联合Z形皮瓣治疗陈旧性外伤性下睑退缩角膜上皮移植术治疗陈旧性眼部烧伤的临床应用
Treatment of Epicanthus by Double Eyelid Construction Combined with Z-plasty 重睑术联合反向Z字成形术矫正内眦赘皮
The application of continuous flap Z-plasty in repairing webbed scar of abdominal 连续Z成形术修复下腹部蹼状瘢痕
The second: excising the midline mucous membrane, pushing back the mucosal flap of the hard palate, reconstructing the sling of the levator veli palatini muscle and making Z-plasty on the mucosa near nasal cavity. 术式二:切除隐裂区粘膜,单瓣后推腭粘膜骨膜瓣,腭帆提肌吊带重建,软腭鼻腔侧粘膜Z成形,同步延长软腭,封闭裂隙。
Wound repair with the fasciocutaneous flap of double reverse Z-plasty 两侧反向Z成形筋膜皮瓣修复创面
Results Efficiency of procedures of spindly excision of shin with Z-plasty and subcutaneous tissue remover via small incisions with shavings were higher than other two, while complications such as hematoma, infection or skin necrosis were fewer. 结果:腋部皮肤梭形切除和小切口皮下修剪加搔刮术治疗的有效率要高于其他两种方法,血肿、感染和坏死等并发症少。
To repair cleft palate with single Z-plasty 单一全层Z字瓣改形的腭裂修补术
The application of six-flaps Z-plasty in the treatment of webbed scar 六瓣Z成形术在蹼状瘢痕挛缩中的应用
Single layer periosteal reaction is common. TO REPAIR CLEFT PALATE WITH SINGLE Z-PLASTY 常出现各种骨膜反应,以单层骨膜反应为主。单一全层Z字瓣改形的腭裂修补术
Correction of the secondary small nostril deformities of the unilateral cleft lip by Z-plasty 单侧唇裂术后继发小鼻孔畸形鼻翼对偶三角瓣矫正术