And many experts, including Zbigniew Brzezinski and General Petraeus have called for local political accommodation, perhaps even with reconcilable elements of the Taliban. 包括布热津斯基以及彼得雷乌斯将军在内的许多专家,都呼吁当地各政治派别之间实现妥协,甚至与塔利班当中的温和派合作。
Even so, as former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski noted recently, the risk of a "drift into escalating reciprocal demonisation" with America is the worst possible outcome for Asian stability, and US-China relations. 尽管如此,正如美国前国家安全顾问兹比格涅夫布热津斯基(zbigniewbrzezinski)最近所说,对于亚洲的稳定和中美关系,中国与美国“陷入日益升级的相互妖魔化”是最糟糕的结果。
Zbigniew Brzezinski, former national security adviser, said on Wednesday that the US needed to reconsider conducting naval and aerial operations close to the Chinese coast. 美国前国家安全顾问兹比格涅夫布热津斯基(zbigniewbrzezinski)周三表示,美国必须重新掂量在靠近中国沿海的地方展开海上及空中行动。
In1997 he and Zbigniew Kolber of Rutgers University co-invented a specialized fluorometer that can measure phytoplankton productivity in real time. 1997年,他与路特格大学的柯柏共同发明了一种特殊的萤光计,可以即时测量浮游植物的生产力。
This was the first genuine, direct confrontation between this administration and the Soviets. It was the U.S.A. that blinked ( Zbigniew Brzezinski) 这是该政府和苏联第一次真正面对面的交锋。美国却先动摇了(兹比格尼尤布泽金斯基)