Also starring in the dramedy are Donald Sutherland, William Baldwin, and Natalie Zea. 这部剧的演员还包括唐纳德·萨瑟兰,威廉·鲍德温和娜塔莉·基。
Cycloechinulin has not been extensively studied but has been reported to exhibit insecticidal activity against the lepidopteran crop pest Helicoverpa zea. 尚无对环丙烷刺孢曲霉素的广泛研究,但已报道它有杀昆虫的活性,能杀灭鳞翅类作物害虫棉铃虫。
A study on the pattern and effect of Zea mays intercropping with Medicago sativa 玉米-紫花苜蓿间作模式与效应研究
With the completion and initiation of Oryza sativa and Zea mays genome sequencing respectively, such functions will be more obvious. 随着水稻、玉米基因组序列的完成与启动,这方面的作用将更加显著。
Comparative analysis of diameter and macroelement content in primary roots and secondary roots from different layers of Zea mays 玉米初生根和不同层次次生根的直径和大量元素含量的比较分析
An important commercial viral pesticide is marketed under the trade name Elcar for control of the cotton bollworm Heliothis zea. 一种重要商品病毒杀虫剂商品名为Elcar用于抑制棉铃虫。
The Same Goal Achieved by Different Means& comparison between the image of Dai Yu and That of Zi Ji; A study on the pattern and effect of Zea mays intercropping with Medicago sativa 殊途同归&黛玉、紫姬形象之比较玉米-紫花苜蓿间作模式与效应研究
Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition on gas exchange of maize ( Zea mays) were studied under soil drought conditions. 在盆栽条件下就氮磷营养对玉米叶片气体交换的影响进行了比较研究。
Influence of nitrogen application on soil moisture-nitrogen dynamics and water-fertilizer use efficiency of Zea mays 氮施用量对夏玉米土壤水氮动态及水肥利用效率的影响
The Interactive Effects of Enhanced UV-B Irradiation and Water Deficit on Physiological Responses in Different Maize ( Zea mays) Cultivars 不同玉米品种对增强UV-B辐射与干旱复合胁迫的生理响应
Research of Interaction of ISO and ZEA on Breast Cancer MCF-7 Cells 大豆异黄酮与玉米赤霉烯酮对乳腺癌细胞系MCF-7联合作用的研究
Timing and concentration effects on the defense response of Zea mays seedlings after application of jasmonic acid to leaves 叶片涂施茉莉酸对玉米幼苗防御反应的时间和浓度效应
Studies on Programmed Cell Death of Peripheral Cells of Root Cap of Zea mays and Allium sativum 玉米和洋葱根冠外缘细胞编程性死亡特征的研究
Genetic relationship analysis of Zea species using RAPD markers 玉蜀黍属物种间遗传关系的RAPD分析
The detail from corn ( Zea mays) leaf shows parallel venation of the major veins. 玉米叶的细节表明主脉的平行排列模式。
Effect of Low NaCl Level on Photosynthesis of Zea mays Seedlings 低浓度NaCl对玉米幼苗光合作用的影响
Post-transcriptional Processing of Two Functions of Unknown Transcription Factor Genes in Zea mays 玉米两个功能未知转录因子基因的转录后加工
Culture experiment and pot experiment were employed to study the effects of different municipal household garbage and sewage sludges on the seed germinations of Brassica oleracea, Brassica campestris, Triticum, and Zea mays and the soil organic matter, available nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium contents. 采用培养和盆栽方法研究了不同城市生活垃圾和污泥对甘蓝、油菜、小麦、玉米种子发芽和土壤养分含量的影响。
Studies on Genetic Selection and Combination Effects on Oppositifolious Character of Zea mays 玉米对生性状的遗传选择和组配效果的研究
Comparative Studies on Growth and Physiological Reaction of Zea mays under NaCl and Na_2CO_3 Stresses NaCl和Na2CO3对玉米生长和生理胁迫效应的比较研究
Seeding Purity Detecting by Using Fingerprint of Proteins and POD Isozymes in Zea Mays 用蛋白质和POD同工酶指纹图谱检测玉米自交系种子纯度
Comparative studies were performed by molecular banding among several species of the genera Tripsacum, Coix and Zea. 本研究中,我们应用这一方法对摩擦禾属、薏苡属和玉蜀黍属的几个种进行了分析。
The effect of compound heavy metal on seedling growth of Zea mays and Sorghum vulgare 复合重金属胁迫对玉米和高粱成苗过程的影响
There exist complete cross-incompatibility and also partial incompatibility in Zea mays. 在玉米属中,既存在完全的杂交不亲和性,也存在程度不同的部分不亲和性。
The effect of sewage irrigation on Germination and early stage growth of Zea mays 污灌对玉米萌发和早期生长发育的影响
Similar phenomena were also observed in Zea mays and Cucumis sativus. 玉米和黄瓜也有类似现象。
Effects of Copper Stress on Growth, Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities of Zea mays Seedlings 铜胁迫对玉米幼苗生长、叶绿素荧光参数和抗氧化酶活性的影响
Cadmium absorption characteristics of Zea mays under combined stress of lead and cadmium 铅和镉复合胁迫下玉米对镉吸收特性
Methods The traditional Zea Longa 'method was improved. 方法对传统的Zealonga模型制作方法进行了改进。