Effect of storage conditions and temperatures on seed germination of 4 plant species from Zygophyllaceae 贮藏条件和温度对4种蒺藜科植物种子萌发的影响
Anatomical adaptations of three species of Chinese xerophytes ( Zygophyllaceae) 中国蒺藜科3种旱生植物的木材解剖适应性(英文)
An Anatomic Comparison on Leaves Structure of Four Desert Plants in Zygophyllaceae and Its systematic Significance 蒺藜科四种旱生植物叶结构的比较解剖及其系统学意义
Protogyny and delayed autonomous self-pollination are very common in angiosperms. They rarely occur within a species, especially in Zygophyllaceae. 雌性先熟和延迟自交是被子植物普遍存在的机制,但是两者出现在同一物种中的报道却很少,尤其在蒺藜科植物中还未见报道。