Gone were the days when Apple was able to extract legitimate "oohs and aahs" from its hand-picked audience of nerds and apple fanboys. 以前的发布会,苹果公司精心挑选的书呆子和果粉们总是会不时发出赞美或惊叹的声音,如今这样的日子已经一去不复返。
When the arrow drilled a hole in the center of its intended target, cheers, groans and aahs broke out. 当箭不偏不斜在靶子中央穿透一个洞时,欢呼声、叹息声和惊呼声响成一片。
Her creative idea won her a lot of ( oohs and aahs) from her co-workers. 她的创意为她赢得了同事们的一片赞叹声。
Send the crinkle and tear of wrapping paper and the oohs and aahs that punctuate each gift as it is exposed and shown around. 寄给我礼物包装纸被撕开的声音和孩子们打开礼物并四处炫耀时的啊呀声。