SOA provides the primary solution architecture for applying MDD and ABD, which describes the nature and types of assets involved. SOA为应用那些描述资产所涉及的种类和类型的MDD和ABD提供了初步的解决方案架构。
Figure 4 maps the various ABD workflows across several projects. 图4描述了横跨若干个工程的各式各样的ABD工作流程。
Asset Manager is the asset management and governance solution in the suite, and plays the central role in the ABD process. 在套件中,AssetManager是资产管理解决方案,在ABD流程中处于中心地位。
A successful ABD integration must combine the capabilities of both APIs. 一个成功的ABD集成必须结合两个API的功能。
The consumers can also provide feedback into the asset production and asset management stages, which helps the ABD process become a self-improving loop. 客户也可以提供反馈给资产生产和管理阶段,这有助于ABD流程成为一个自我完善的循环。
In this example, we have articulated some high-level activities that occur within respective ABD workflows. 在这个例子中,我们可以清楚地说明一些发生在各自ABD工作流程内部的高层次的活动。
In much the same way, the roles and use-case activities associated with ABD and the asset lifecycle are independent from, but related to, roles and activities of RUP. 同样道理,与ABD和资产生命周期相关联的功能和用例活动独立于那些与RUP相关联的功能和活动,而并非与其相关。
BDD brings together the techniques of Model Driven Development ( MDD) and ABD as a key governance aspect. BDD将模型驱动开发(MDD)和ABD的技术结合在一起作为一项关键管理的方面。
The kinds of assets individuals are interested in as well as the tools they use to access and manipulate those assets are generally dictated by the ABD and RUP roles they are fulfilling. 资产个体的类别对那些通常由它们实现的ABD和RUP功能来发出指令的资产很感兴趣,被它们用来进行访问和操作的工具同样如此。
ABD promotes and accelerates the reuse of the modules and components both in the business and IT domain. ABD加速和促进模块和组件在业务和IT领域的重用。
ABD provides consistency across an organization ( the same requirements lead to the same design decisions because the same assets are used). ABD提供了整个组织内的一致性(由于使用了相同的资产,因此相同的需求导致相同的设计决策)。
ABD can benefit both sides by reusing previous solutions ( so-called assets) to solve recurring and emerging problems. ABD通过重用以前的解决方案(所谓的资产)来解决复发和新出现的问题,使双方受益。
Asset-based development ( ABD) is a key mechanism for addressing the ever-increasing challenges in the cost and efficiency of software production and delivery. 基于资产的开发(Asset-baseddevelopment,ABD)是应对软件生产和运输的成本和效率方面不断增长的挑战的一个至关重要的机制。
The ABD process contains four key stages: asset identification, asset production, asset management, and asset consumption. ABD流程包含四个关键阶段:资产识别、资产生产、资产管理和资产消耗。
ABD is a software engineering approach based on using software assets to build solutions. ABD是一种基于使用软件资产构建解决方案的软件工程方法。
Asset-based development ( ABD) is a large concept and is worthy of its own series of articles. 基于资产的开发(Asset-BasedDevelopment,ABD)是一个大概念,本身就足以用一系列文章予以讨论。
This article proposes a solution that can easily enable heterogeneous applications to participate in the ABD process by integrating with Asset Manager. 本文提议一个解决方案,可以通过集成AssetManager使异构应用程序轻松地加入ABD流程。
Access the system metadata needed by the ABD process 访问ABD流程需要的系统元数据
Arbours o'ergrown with woodbine, caves abd dells; 忍冬花爬满了凉亭,岩洞和山涧;
I remember Dad that you told me a man must always be honest to himself, his country, his loved ones abd his fellow man. 我还记得,父亲,那时您叮嘱我的,一个男人就必须永远忠于自己,忠于他的国家,他所爱的人和他的子孙后代。
Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri was led into court, unshackled by minders wearing surgical gloves. Nashiri被解去枷锁,由戴着外科手套的看守者带到法庭。
GC-TMS detection technology is miniaturized with the ABD for hand-portability and reliable detection in the field. ABD是GC-TMS检测技术微型化的商品,它可以很方便的带到野外,得到可靠的测定数据。
Supernormal profits persist in the long-run in an oligopoly abd these can be used to finance research and development. 寡头垄断企业长期的超出一般的利润,将被用于资助研发。
So, almost at the same moment, both the antelope and the lion jump to their feet abd start running toward the rising sun. 于是,几乎就在同时,羚羊和狮子一跃而起,迎着朝阳奔去。
He picked up his baseball abd threw it in. 他捡起他的棒球,投了进去。
There s dirt on the affair between Jessica abd the manager. 关于杰西卡和经理之间的风流韵事,流言满天飞。
The components are driven by synchronous belt abd gears. 各部件采用同步带及齿轮传动。
Over abd over! I couldn't sit for a week. 的问题。弄的我一个星期屁股不能挨凳子。