The Global Times said abductions and trafficking of women were "rampant" in areas with excess numbers of men, citing the National Population and Family Planning Commission. 《环球时报》援引国家人口和计划生育委员会数据称,在男性过剩地区,诱拐、贩卖女性现象十分猖獗。
The two countries have never had formal diplomatic ties, and relations have been severely strained over the years by North Korea's abductions of Japanese citizens in the 1970s and 1980s, as well as the North's firing of ballistic missiles over Japan and its nuclear program. 日朝两国从来没有正式建交。朝鲜上世纪70年代和80年代曾绑架日本公民,并曾向日本发射弹道导弹,加上朝鲜的核计划,这些都导致两国关系多年来处于极度紧张状态。
I'm a ex fbl, worked a few abductions. 我以前是联邦调查局的,办过几起绑架案。
These are malicious acts of aggression, abductions and wanton killing. 这些都是恶意的侵略行径,绑架和肆意杀戮。
First off allow us to apologize for the abductions. 首先,请允许我们为那些已经的诱导事件道个歉吧。
Pray for an end of "legal" abductions of children whose parents are Christian. 祷告父母亲是基督徒的孩子遭到「合法」绑架的情况能终止。
And we know how abductions go. 我们现在了解了绑架的过程。
These abductions are planned and extremely well-thought-out. 这些诱拐行动都经过了严密和周全的策划。
Many abductions involve infant or toddler girls being taken to serve as "child brides" sold to families desperate for daughters-in-law in a culture short of marriage-aged women. 在缺乏婚龄女性的中国社会,许多拐卖案件涉及女婴或幼小的女童,她们被卖给急于寻找儿媳妇的家庭充当“童养媳”。
After the extensive publicity for the killings of Payne and dowler, and for the Soham murders, parents may have been quicker to report incidents and the police more ready to record incidents as abductions. 在对佩恩、多乐被害以及索汉姆谋杀案进行广泛宣传以后,父母可能更快地报案,而警方则更倾向于把案件记录为绑架。
Most child abductions are by estranged spouses or partners, or other family members. 多数儿童绑架案是由分居的配偶、伴侣或者其他家庭成员犯下的。
Extraterrestrial abductions are often reported in the same family-or bloodline-generation after generation. 在同一个家族-或血统里经常报道地外诱拐-一代又一代。
As both groups allegedly dabble in oil-smuggling, abductions and other local moneymaking schemes, plenty of conflicts of interest arise. 两大集团都有涉足石油走私、诱拐与其他当地赚钱方案的嫌疑,因此,大量由利益引发的冲突也就随之而起。
The US vice president, who started his three-day visit here on Tuesday, also said he wants to see an early resolution to the issue of the DPRK's abductions of Japanese nationals. 星期二到达日本进行为期3天访问的美国副总统还说,他想看到关于北韩拐骗日本侨民的事件早日得到解决。
Mr Abe won the premiership largely through his tough approach to North Korea over its abductions of Japanese citizens, which won him public plaudits. 安倍在大选中获胜,主要是因为他在朝鲜绑架日本公民问题上态度强硬,为他赢得了公众的赞誉。
Bounties offered by the US for suspected terrorists have created a black market in abductions in Pakistan, according to a report published today. 今天发表的一篇报告称,美国为捉拿嫌疑恐怖分子提供的赏金,已在巴基斯坦形成了一个绑架黑市。
Abductions by car: If someone orders you or tries to force you into a car, you must do whatever you can to stay out of that vehicle. 汽车劫持:如果有人命令你或企图强迫你上一辆车,你一定要不惜一切方式不上那辆车。
SUSAN: Yeah, people fake their own abductions all the time. 是啊,人们经常伪装被绑架。
Mexico is one of the worst countries in the world for abductions, along with conflicts conflict zones like Iraq and Colombia. 墨西哥以及战乱地区像伊拉克和哥伦比亚都被认为是世界上拐骗犯罪率最高的国家。
BR: Are any of these abductions military operations? 比尔:这些(外星)绑架事件是军事行动吗?
Rebels falsely claim that there are no forced abductions. 叛军谎称从未绑架平民。
Mulder: well, I don't think this has anything to do with alien abductions. I don't even know if I believe in that stuff anymore. 穆德:呃,我不认为这跟外星人绑架有关。我甚至不知道我还信不信那玩意儿。
Cheney said the United States understands Japan's refusal to provide economic aid to North Korea until what he called the "tragic case" of Japanese abductions is settled. 钱尼说,美国理解日本为什么在日本被绑架人员的「悲剧」得到解决之前,拒绝向朝鲜提供经济援助。
We call them brothers and sisters, although perhaps their abductions and misunderstanding of human emotions has caused you pain. 我们称呼他们兄弟姐妹,尽管他们对人类感情的诱拐与误导可能导致了你们的痛苦。
You hear a lot of stories about UFOs-sightings, close encounters, even alien abductions. 你听到过很多关于UFO的故事&影像,近距离接触,甚至外星人绑架。
The Buttah are normally associated with nightmares, abductions and the taking of small children. 饿鬼通过与恶梦在一起,诱拐和吸引小孩。
Later that night, preparing to question Anderson, county deputy sheriff Donnie Taylor recalled hearing stories of Anderson's earlier threats, abductions and assaults. 那晚深夜,准备提审安德森时,县副警长唐尼•泰勒想起以前曾听说的那些有关安德森的种种恶行,恐吓、劫持和殴打等等。