VERB 教唆,唆使,怂恿,伴同(某人犯罪等)(常用于法律用语aid and abet中) If one person abets another, they help or encourage them to do something criminal or wrong. Abet is often used in the legal expression 'aid and abet'.
His wife was sentenced to seven years imprisonment for aiding and abetting him... 他的妻子作为他的从犯被判入狱7年。
We shall strike hard, without flinching, at terrorists and those who abet them. 我们要毫不退缩地严厉打击恐怖分子及其帮凶。
VERB 煽动;促使(坏事等)成为可能 To abet something, especially something bad or undesirable, means to make it possible.
The media have also abetted the feeling of unreality. 媒体也在一旁对这种非现实感推波助澜。
His wife was sentenced to seven years imprisonment for aiding and abetting him 他的妻子作为他的从犯被判入狱7年。
He was arraigned for criminally abetting a traitor. 他因怂恿他人叛国而受到传讯。
You'll be facing a Federal rap for aiding and abetting an escaped convict. 因涉嫌协助和教唆越狱囚犯,你将面临联邦指控。
Not only are private Swiss banks looking for new sources of revenue, but they have also faced investigations and massive fines from countries accusing them of abetting tax dodging. 瑞士私人银行不仅需要寻找新的收入来源,它们还需面对那些指控瑞银煽动漏税行为的国家的调查和巨额罚款。
Aiding and abetting a known felon. 协助及教唆他人犯罪。
Could get me a rap for aiding and abetting. 就能让我背上私通和协助犯罪的罪名。
That is far from aiding and abetting copyright infringement. 这是远离协助及教唆他人侵犯版权。
Crimes tempting, abetting and deceiving someone into drug addiction offended against state control on stupefacient and drugs and against person mentally and physically. 引诱、教唆、欺骗他人吸毒罪侵犯了国家关于麻醉药品、精神药品的管制和他人的身心健康。
I've got you for aiding and abetting a kidnapping. 我可以告你教唆绑架从犯。
Her devious husband, aiding and abetting her, thought out new variations on the theme of burglary and blackmailing. 她那为人不正直的丈夫帮她出谋划策,想出了一些盗窃和敲诈的旁门左道的办法。
You need help aiding and abetting a fugitive. 如果你要找人帮助逃犯。
Meanwhile Turkey's security chiefs were muttering darkly about punishing Greece for abetting Kurdish terrorists. 同时,土耳其的安全官们也私下暗算,要让煽动库尔德恐怖分子的希腊付出代价。
Some of them insisted we were aiding and abetting the enemy. 他们当中有的人一口咬定我们在帮助并怂恿敌方。
He was brought to trial on a trumped-up charge of aiding and abetting. 他被一个捏造的教唆别人犯罪的罪名,推上了审判台。
Knowing that it was a breach of copyright, should my friend have bought the book, thus aiding and abetting a criminal act and depriving you of your royalty? 既然知道这是侵犯版权,我的朋友是否还应当买下那本书,从而支持并怂恿一种犯罪行为,并且剥夺你的版税?
He was arraigned on charges of aiding and abetting terrorists. 他被控以接济和帮助恐怖分子的罪名。
Three tax inspectors were accused of aiding and abetting the men charged with fraud. 三名税务稽查员被检举与被指控诈骗的同谋。
Her hu and was found guilty of aiding and abetting the offence. 她丈夫被裁定一项教唆罪成。
She stands accused of aiding and abetting the bombing. 她被控是这起爆炸事件的共方犯。
Otherwise I'll arrest you on aiding and abetting murder. 否则我会以协同煽动谋杀的罪名逮捕你。
Norman was arrested for abetting the crime because he helped the robbers hide in his house. 诺曼因协助犯罪而被捕,因为他将抢劫犯窝藏在自己家里。
He was scolded for aiding and abetting those boys who were fighting. 他因为教唆这些打群架的孩子而受到责备。
Thank you, dear sister, for abetting me so. 亲爱的修女,感谢你对我的支持。
With aiding and abetting in a prison escape. 你还要加上协助越狱。
The prevailing conditions are varied; abetting the spirit of intensity and prosperity in Hong Kong and Kowloon. 目前的状况是多方面的,教唆的强度和繁荣的香港和九龙的精神。
It is social factors such as parent's abetting and neglect, medium's lure, information's bombing, tradition's inheriting which urge children's language prematurity. 父母的“怂恿”与“无暇”、媒体的“诱惑”与“误导”、信息的“轰炸”与“灌输”、传统的“作祟”与“秉承”等社会性因素引发儿童语言早熟。
For aiding and abetting a federal fugitive. 帮助和支持一个联邦通缉犯。
Want to hit him for aing and abetting? 想以教唆的罪名逮捕他吗?
You are aiding and abetting in a homicide. 你就是帮助和教唆一个杀人犯。
I'll send your wife to prison for aiding and abetting. 我会以包庇协从罪把你妻子送进监狱。