Abigail's mother Linda views her daughter's talent with a mixture of pride and worry 阿比盖尔的母亲琳达带着一种又骄傲又担忧的复杂情绪看待女儿的才华。
That is progress that would have astonished John, maybe even Abigail, Adams. 这一进步可能令约翰.亚当斯夫妇感到震惊。
Their sisters were Zeruiah and Abigail. Zeruiah's three sons were Abishai, Joab and Asahel. 他们的姐妹是洗鲁雅和亚比该。洗鲁雅的儿子是亚比筛,约押,亚撒黑,共三人。
Then David sent word to Abigail, asking her to become his wife. 于是大卫打发人去与亚比该说,要娶她为妻。
Abigail quickly got on a donkey and, attended by her five maids, went with David's messengers and became his wife. 亚比该立刻起身,骑上驴,带着五个侍女,跟从大卫的使者去了,就作了大卫的妻。
Thanks to Abigail, whose CPAN Sample module exhibits the sample() function I use in both examples. 感谢Abigail,他的CPAN样本模块可以演示我在两个例程中都用到的sample()函数。
Her Highness commands you to take her abigail with you. 女王陛下命令你们带上她的女仆。
Abigail: It's a memo about a safety inspection scheduled for next week. 这是备忘录,记载了下周安全检查的安排。
Do you think Abigail Cross is a ghost? 你认为阿比盖尔·克洛斯是鬼吗?
I'm a friend of his aunt abigail. 我是他姑妈艾比的一个朋友。
I said, what'd you do with Abigail and riley? 我问你把艾比嘉尔和瑞利怎么样了?
I have a friend named Abigail who always wears gray clothes. 我有一个朋友叫阿比盖尔总爱穿褐色的衣服。
And this works perfectly with Abigail being back in town. 而且正好赶上abigail回来,太完美了。
No matter what happened to Abigail or to him, the three would have one another. 他想将来不管自己或是孩子的妈出了什么事,三姐弟总还会彼此照应。
John and Abigail's son, John Quincy Adams, became the sixth president of the United States. 约翰和艾碧该的儿子,约翰昆西亚当斯后来成为美国的第六任总统。
Joel Siegel: Catherine Zeta-Jones and Abigail Breslin star in No Reservations. 乔-西格:凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯以及阿比盖尔·布兰斯林《美味关系》中担当主角。
Oh, Abigail says that, and she's quite the artist. 哦,艾比盖尔也这么说,而她却更像一个画家。
He tell you the stories about Abigail bishop drowning? 他告诉你们阿比盖尔主教溺死的事了吗?
Cindy: hi, is that you abigail? Can you come over? 辛迪:喂,是艾比盖尔吗?你可以到我家来吗?
Whose sisters were Zeruiah, and Abigail. 他们的姊妹是洗鲁雅和亚比该。
"Dear Abby" or Abigail Van Buren is in fact Pauline Esther Friedman. 亲爱的艾比或艾比盖尔·范布伦的真名叫波林·埃丝特·弗里德曼。
Abigail: What do you think you're gonna find? 你们想要去发现什么?
Then she says,'I want to be Abigail Cross, the witch. 然后她说:我要做阿比盖尔·克洛斯,一个女巫。
Abigail: Me, too. We'll know after next week's inspection. 我也希望是。下周安全检查之后就知道了。
Do you have a daughter named abigail? 您女儿是不是叫阿比盖尔?
Abigail: If they bring it out on CD, I'll be the first to buy it. 阿比盖尔:假如电影制成光盘,我会率先购买。
I guess Abigail looked so serious because she was trying to figure out what she was doing. 我猜嘉恩看起来如此严肃是因为她在研究她在做什麽。
I could bring Abigail to the class too, and she loved being around with people. 我也能带嘉恩去上课,她很喜欢和大家一起玩。
Much of the material I draw on as a writer comes from my memories of who I was and what I learned when my daughters, Kate and Abigail, were very small. 作为作家我汲取大量素材来自于过去的我的回忆,及我过去学到的东西;当时,我的两位女儿Kate和Abigail都非常小。