Both of them died in abject poverty 他们两人都于穷困潦倒中死去。
This scheme was an abject failure. 这项计划彻底失败了。
He sounded abject and eager to please 他低声下气,急于讨好别人。
He looked back at the abject, silent girl and repeated his question. 他转过头看着这个噤若寒蝉的女孩,又重复了一遍他的问题。
She was not aware that the English habits of comfort attach an idea of abject misery to the idea of a barefooted traveller. 她不了解英国人出于爱舒服的习惯总把一个赤脚的旅行者看成最可怜的人。
She only thought how best to make her visit appear to Eustacia not abject but wise. 她只想,怎么才是最好的方法,能让游苔莎认为她这次的访问令人可佩,而不令人可鄙。
I no longer wanted to live in abject poverty. 我再也不想过穷困潦倒的生活。
I was willing to adopt this attitude of abject prostration. 我甘愿采取这种匍匐在地的卑下姿态。
The fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. 怕死就未免有些可鄙,有些不光彩了。
I used to love to think that I was his abject slave. 我过去常常爱把自己想成是他的卑贱的奴仆。
We activate this New Year with abject activity and biconcave optimism. 我们在信念有余和不敷乐观中,迎来了新的一年。
I felt an abject failure. 我感到失败的悲哀。
Millions live in abject poverty in Africa, Asia and Latin America. 数百万人在非洲,亚洲和拉丁美洲一贫如洗。
I longed to shut my eyes against these visions, but to my abject horror I could not. 我渴望闭上眼睛屏蔽掉这些画面,但是我卑微而惊恐地发觉,我无法做到。
In a slum, people live in abject poverty. 在贫民区,人们可怜地生活在贫穷之中。
They were living in such abject poverty that they could not even afford the bare necessities. 他们一贫如洗,连最起码的生活必需品都买不起。
The boy felt shamed of his abject poverty. 译这个男孩因赤贫而感到羞耻。
He has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. 完成了他份内要做的所有工作,怕死就有点儿卑鄙和不光彩了。
In the old society he was finally reduced to a state of abject poverty. 旧社会使他最终陷入赤贫的境地。
Although abject poverty, he is no more abject than other people. 表达的意思是:他虽然很穷,但并不比别人卑下。
All ought to refrain form marriage who cannot avoid abject poverty for their children; Darwin凡是不能使子女免于贫困的人,都不应该结婚;
He is almost abject in his respect for his boss. 他对老板的尊敬几乎是低声下气。
In China and India, real wage growth has lifted hundreds of millions of 'Proletarians' out of abject poverty. 在中国和印度,实际工资增长已经使数亿“无产者”摆脱了赤贫状态。
He's anything but an abject coward. 他决不是可鄙的懦夫。
All the people in the city knew that he was an abject liar. 这城里所有的人都知道他是个卑鄙的说谎者。
This low abject brood, That fix their seats in mediocrity, Become your servile minds; 这卑贱的一伙,把他们的位置固定在平庸中,成了你的奴性的心灵;
He is an abject liar. 他是一个卑鄙的说谎者。
The conditions that these people live in are abject and shocking. 这些人的生活环境极其悲惨。
Even the most abject slaves joined in the revolt. 连最卑贱的奴隶也加入了叛乱。
But Redford adds: I would never want to do something that was abject propaganda. 但雷德福补充说道:我从来都不希望去拍什么可怜的宣传片。