By 1838, the abolitionists had shamed parliament into ending slavery in British colonies 到1838年,废奴主义者迫使议会出于道德压力而废除了英国殖民地的奴隶制。
She says abolitionists Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman or politicians Bella Abzug and Shirley Chisholm already, in a manner of speaking, fit the bill. 她表示,不妨说,废奴主义者索洁娜·特鲁斯和哈丽特·塔布曼或者政治家贝拉·阿伯格和雪莉·齐泽姆已经很适合出现在美元上了。
Sometimes I think the Abolitionists have got the right idea. 有时我甚至想,那帮废奴主义者的主意倒不错呢。
But the jailer refused to take him in, claiming the jail was already overflowing with Yankee abolitionists. 但监狱看守拒绝关押他,宣称这个监狱已人满为患,关满了北方的废奴主义者。
Abolitionists say there is no proof that capital punishment deters. 废除死刑者声称没有证据表明行刑有震慑作用。
What did the abolitionists try to end before the civil war? 南北战争前废奴运动者企图结束什么?
( criminal law) an answer of` no contest 'by a defendant who does not admit guilt but that subjects him to conviction. In rejoinder, the abolitionists question the superior deterrent value of the death penalty. (刑法)被告不愿争辩但却不承认犯罪的答复。废除死刑者在答辩中对死刑具有最大的威慑价值表示怀疑。
Abolitionists have had more luck, at least temporarily, by arguing that lethal injection, the form of execution most widely adopted, is excruciatingly painful. 至少在目前,在另一方面废除死刑者运气更好。他们争辩说毒剂注射这种最广泛使用的行刑方式是极度痛苦的。
To him, as well as to many abolitionists and other antislavery leaders, it was, foremost, a moral document that had forever determined valuable criteria in shaping the future of the nation. 对他而言,以及对很多废奴派和其他的反奴隶制领袖而言,《独立宣言》主要是一份永远决定塑造该国前途的宝贵标准的道德文件。
The abolitionists are in being more sorry for the murderer than for his victim. 主张废除死刑者同情凶杀儿犯甚于同情受害者。
The abolitionists advocated freedom for the slaves. 奴隶制度废除论者提倡解放奴隶。
Her uncle tom's Cabin inspired a generation of abolitionists and set the stage for civil war. 汤姆叔叔的鼓舞了一代舱,并为废奴内战。
Later, in the1830s, abolitionists adopted the cracked bell as the symbol of the fight against slavery. 后来,在1830年,废奴主义者又敲响了当时已经破裂的钟以示反抗奴隶制度。
While some pioneers headed west to California, abolitionists attempted to expand the idea of what "liberty" in America meant. 当拓荒者西行加州络绎于途时,废奴主义者开始尝试落实「自由」的真谛。
Abolitionists secret aid to escaping slaves; pre-Civil War in US. At the same time, the Abolition Movement affected state system of the U.S.A and its expansion to the northwest. 废奴制支持者们帮助黑奴逃跑的秘密行动;美国内战暴发前。废奴运动在许多方面严重的影响了美联邦的国体以及向西北的版图扩张。
In rejoinder, the abolitionists question the superior deterrent value of the death penalty. 废除死刑者在答辩中对死刑具有最大的威慑价值表示怀疑。
En-route, you'll meet Bounty Hunters, Abolitionists and even characters who did not support the Underground Railroad due to Social or Economic concerns! 你也将见识到英勇机智与他们周旋对抗的废奴主义者;甚至,你还会碰上另一类人&在当时,这些人因为社会、经济方面的种种利害而反对“地下通道”。
Think of the abolitionists who struggled and died to see the end of slavery. 想想那些为消除奴隶制而奋斗并为之牺牲的人们。
For the Christian on the impact of black abolitionists, the first of the Christian faith has a black individual instances of resistance to slavery, to show that for the liberation of Christian slaves freedom on the role. 对于基督教对黑人废奴主义者的影响,首先分析有着基督教信仰的黑人个体反抗奴隶制的事例来表明基督教对奴隶争取解放自由的作用。