A person who is aboveboard does nothing underhand. 明人不做暗事。
He is open and aboveboard with others. 他为人光明磊落。
But while there are certainly aboveboard agents and applications, other recruiters engage in fraudulent behavior. 虽然肯定有光明磊落的中介和申请人,但很多留学中介都参与了弄虚作假的行为。
These commercial transactions are aboveboard. 这些商业交易是光明磊落的。
I didn't have to bribe anyone; it was all open and aboveboard. 我没有必要贿赂任何人,这完全是光明正大的。
If we can't make oneself world famous, so we can also let oneself of the posterity be understand our open and aboveboard. 我们如果无法让自己名扬天下,那么我们也可以让自己的后代明白我们的光明磊落。
Yao asked me to be an open and aboveboard gentleman. 尧要我这样做一位堂堂正正的正人君子。
The Electoral Commission has ruled that the procedure was aboveboard. 选举委员会裁定选举程序很光明磊落。
You've really been commended on your aboveboard tactics. 你猜用的确还是光明正大的手段。
I think everything ought to be aboveboard. 我觉得什么事情都应当开诚布公。
He handles everything open and aboveboard, so we know exactly what he's trying to do. 他处理事情总是很清楚,很公开;一切都是光明磊落,所以他想干什么我们都很清楚。
His part in the affair was quite aboveboard. 在这事情上,他的行为是非常光明磊落的。
All legal and aboveboard, but is that enough? 完全合法,但是这样足够吗?
If Li Yu is a person with over-weight scheming, the affair necessarily can't do thus aboveboard defiant actly. 若李宇是一个心机过重之人,事情必定不会做得如此明目张胆。
Perfect gentleman aboveboard reflect the sentiments meditations Huaiyuan ambitions! 完美地体现出君子坦荡荡的情怀,静思怀远的志向!
The open and aboveboard personhood, the steadfast work, studies earnestly, joyful life. 堂堂正正做人,踏踏实实工作,认认真真学习,快快乐乐生活。
It is also difficult to make the non-defendant to return the society open and aboveboard; 它也难以使被不起诉人堂堂正正地返还社会;
He was frank, open and aboveboard. 他胸怀坦白,光明磊落。胸襟坦荡,才能无畏。
He assured us that the deal was all open and aboveboard. 他向我们保证,交易是公开的、光明正大的。
Knowing a few etiquette guidelines can help you keep your conduct aboveboard, and perhaps ease a few fears about putting yourself in front of the well-connected. 了解一些礼仪规范能够让你的举止上得了台面,也许还能帮助你缓解面对人脉很广的人时的恐惧。
He had been open and aboveboard, and there was nothing to fear. 他一向是抛头露面,公开活动的,这没什么害怕的。
The essence is a sun just, absolute monarchy, have the sun sort of angry, generous, optimism, Shanghai style, open and aboveboard, unconventional, open-minded. 本质是阳刚、专制、具有太阳般的生气、宽宏大量、乐观、海派、光明磊落、不拘小节、心胸开阔。
There are some so-called friends, but also far less than the enemies of open and aboveboard. 有一些所谓的朋友,还远远比不上光明磊落的敌人。
Keep are upright, aboveboard, take the way to success. 守正不阿,光明磊落,取之以道,追求成功。
If you are worried about his price or quality, you can still be open and aboveboard and just go visit other sellers to compare prices and quality. 如果你害怕他价钱收得太贵或者品质不好,可以光明正大地去别的贩卖者那里参看价钱和品质。
Our own morality: we uphold justice, honesty and high moral standards, aboveboard. 我们的道德观:我们坚持公正、诚信、高尚的道德标准,光明磊落。
But, the poor live and the lower status portrayed him an open and aboveboard noble character and the forthright and sincere personality. 但是,贫穷的生活、卑屈的地位,却塑造了他磊落脱俗的高尚品节和激扬傲世的率真个性。
He has aboveboard personality, broad mind and the arduous struggle the spirit, with positive attitude toward life, promising to overcome all difficulties and cease to struggle, wrote a piece of mammoth song of life and feeling day move ground. 他具有光明磊落的个性,广阔的胸怀和艰苦奋斗的精神,以积极有为的人生态度,克服各种困难,生命不息,奋斗不止,谱写了一曲波澜壮阔又感天动地的人生之歌。
This phenomenon inevitable leads to the investigation means can not be used open and aboveboard because of being short of law basis. 立法的缺失必然导致诱惑侦查手段的使用因缺乏法律依据而显得不能光明正大。