The Interim Regulations on Control of Advertisement promulgated by the State Council on February 6, 1982 shall be abrogated as of the same date. 一九八二年二月六日国务院发布的《广告管理暂行条例》同时废止。
Nor is contingency less visible in the world of mind. The will, as we have already remarked, includes contingency under the shape of option or free choice, but only as a vanishing and abrogated element. 同样,偶然性在精神世界也有其相当地位,如前面所说,意志在任性的形式下即包含有偶然性,但同时把它作为扬弃了的一个环节。
In the meeting, he abolished or abrogated some laws. 会议中,他废止或废除了一些法律。
Have the facts of history been abrogated? 历史事实被取消了吗?
We have abrogated the unequal treaties imposed upon China by Western powers and all the privileges of imperialism in the country. 我们废除了西方列强强加的不平等条约和帝国主义在中国的一切特权。
All those that may contravene WTO rules or our commitments will be abrogated. 不合世界贸易组织规则和中国的承诺的,要加以废除;
"An abrogated text," said the advocate extraordinary of the king. “这条法律早已作废了。”国王的特别律师说。
Post-holding qualification abrogated by security regulatory authorities or by insurance regulatory authorities of china; 被中国证券业监管部门或中国保险业监管部门取消任职资格的;
This law has been abrogated because of the new situation. 因为新的形势,这个法律已经被废除了。
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus clearly abrogated the ceremonial and civil law that God had given uniquely to the nation of Israel. 在登山宝训中,耶稣基督清楚地废除了礼仪律和民事律,那是神只赐给当时的以色列国的。
The law of God is therefore abrogated to the extent that it no longer condemns us, nor works wrath in us. 上帝律法的,因此,废止,以致于它不再谴责我们,也没有工程的愤怒,在我们。
Moreover, some news said export drawback of alloy steel will possibly be abrogated. 此外,有消息称,我国合金钢的出口退税也可能将被取消。
There's no hint in Matthew that the law would be abrogated. 《马太福音》中没有暗示废除律法。
In an in vivo tumor model, direct MSC inoculation into subcutaneous melanomas induced apoptosis and abrogated tumor growth. 在活体肿瘤模型中,直接接种MSC到皮肤黑色素瘤中诱导细胞凋亡和抑制肿瘤的生长。
And if contracts are abrogated, how should Western banks respond? 如果合约被终止,西方银行该如何回应?
In this paper, the lawful metrological units were compared with the abrogated units in analytical chemistry, and the common mistakes in the application of the lawful metrological units were discussed. 对分析化学领域中常见的法定计量单位与其对应的废弃形式进行了比较,指出了应用中常见的错误,并汇集了该领域中有关计量单位表述的正确范例。
They abrogated their trade agreements with the country they were at war with. 他们废除了与交战国的贸易协定。
The covenant of works was abrogated as a way to eternal life by the fall. 因亚当的堕落,工作之约作为得永生之道被废除了。
The US abrogated the gold clause in government and private contracts in 1934, and in 1971, it abandoned the gold standard altogether. 1934年,美国取消了政府和私人合约中的黄金条款,在1971年彻底废除了金本位制。
Any rule of law or equity conferring on a wife authority, as agent of necessity of her husband, to pledge his credit or to borrow money on his credit is hereby abrogated. 任何法律规则或衡平法,若授予妻子权限,使其能作为其丈夫的必要代理人而以其丈夫的信用作担保或以其信用借款者,现均予以撤销。
The president abrogated an old law. 总统废除了一项旧法令。
Teratocarcinomas can arise through purely epigenetic changes and represent an extreme case in which the transformed phenotype can be abrogated under appropriate conditions. 畸胎瘤可能仅仅因为后生改变而出现,这代表一个极端的例子,其转化表型可以在适当条件下被废除。
The system of legal representative should be revised or abrogated and the system of common representatives be introduced. 修正或取消法定代表人制度,推行共同代表制度;
The Imperial China of centralism after Qin Dynasty monopolized all the social power and resources, abrogated people's right to vote with their feet, and debarred the merchants and gentle-lords from forming a Third Tier. 秦皇以后的集权官僚国家垄断了绝对的权力与资源,消弭了人们用脚投票的权利,排除了商人和士绅形成第三等级的可能性。
The new method can improve the temperature precision, stability and sensitivity of system and reduce the system cost with the constant temperature groove abrogated. 提高了系统的灵敏度、温度测量精度和稳定性;取消了恒温槽,降低了系统成本。
Their behavior influenced a series of policy of British, made monopolization of the East India Company to be abrogated. 英国散商影响了英国对华贸易的一系列政策,最终导致废止了东印度公司对华贸易的垄断权。
A Study on Being Cancelled, Altered and Abrogated of the Administrative Behavior 试论行政行为的撤销、变更与废止
After the imperial examination system was been abrogated, every government had explored how to select officials. 科举制度被废除后,历次政府均在探索如何选官、用人。
And just for the unique character, many countries have abrogated the death penalty. 正是由于死刑的这种一旦施行就不可挽回的特质,世界上绝大多数国家已经废除了死刑。