He was ordered to appear the following day, but absconded 他被传唤于第二天出庭,可是他逃跑了。
A dozen inmates have absconded from Forest Jail in the past year. 去年共有12名犯人从福雷斯特监狱逃脱。
Unfortunately, his partners were crooks and absconded with the funds. 不幸的是,他的合伙人都是些骗子,已卷款逃之夭夭了。
So reports that dozens of factory owners in the city have absconded in recent weeks, leaving workers unpaid and mountains of debt, are seen by some as an ominous sign for the national economy. 因此,在一些人眼中,有关近几周多家工厂老板“跑路”、拖欠工人工资并留下巨额债务的报道,正是中国经济的不祥之兆。
Huang's wife and one of the main financial cuckoo have absconded. 黄的老婆杜鹃和一主要财务人员已潜逃。
Sadly, it has been absconded by some foul interloper! 伤心啊,这些肮脏的闯入者居然偷走了它!
The banker absconded with embezzled funds. 这个银行家涉嫌盗用资金。
Jim absconded abroad, then was caught aboard a ship. 吉姆潜逃到国外,后来在船上被抓获。
He absconded with the takings. 他携带营业款潜逃了。
He absconded from the bank with all the money. 他拿走了银行的全部现金,潜逃无踪。
After casting a stone at the police, they absconded with the money. 他们把一块石头朝警察扔去,然后带着钱溜掉了。
This also is not difficult to explain a lot of real estate Why can the boss absconded money. 这也不难解释了很多房地产为什么老板潜逃钱。
He absconded with$ 8000 stolen from his employer. 他偷了雇主8000英镑,携赃潜逃了。
He was put into jail but absconded within a few days. 他被投入监狱,但几天后就越狱潜逃了。
He absconded with the company funds. 他卷走公司的资金潜逃了。
After the incident, the factory owner Chen abandoned factory absconded. 事件发生后,工厂老板陈废弃工厂潜逃。
Two prisoners absconded last night. 两名犯人昨天晚上潜逃了。
To escape their creditors, dozens of Wenzhou businessmen have absconded, abandoning their homes and firms. 为了逃避债主,几十个温州商人抛下家庭和公司潜逃国外。
He absconded with everyone's wages. 他偷了大家的工资携款卷逃。
She absconded with the chess club's money. 她携带象棋俱乐部的公款潜逃了。
The accountant, after serving the company faithfully for ten years, absconded with at least a hundred thousand pounds. 在公司忠实地服务了十年的会计员,拐走了至少十万英磅。
She absconded from boarding school with her boyfriend. 她与她的男朋友从寄宿学校逃走了。
On the train into Ukraine, the customs officer had absconded with a form that is needed again later to leave the country. 而在开往乌克兰的火车上,海关官员还窃取了一个表格,日后离开这个国家的时候还用得上它。
The police are looking for the man who absconded with the bank's money. 警方正在寻找那个携银行款潜逃的人。
These people who absconded with the Chinese people's wealth are obviously crooks and traitors. 这些携带中国民众的财产潜逃的人明显是骗子是叛国者。
A wide search is under way for the manager who absconded with$ 10000 of his employer's funds. 广泛的搜捕已经展开,以逮捕那个携1万美元公款潜逃的经理。
The witness gave the police the lowdown on what happened at the party, but when the police arrived at the shelter, the assassinator had absconded. 目击者把有关聚会上发生的实情告诉了警方,但当警察到达那个刺客隐藏的地方,他早已逃之夭夭了。
Huang's wife rhododendron and a key financial staff has absconded, involving a number of major cases 黄的妻子杜鹃和关键财务人员已经潜逃,涉及的大案要案
Jordan, meanwhile, has received another shock: during the night Pablo has absconded with the detonators. 同时,乔丹又遭受了一次打击:帕布洛于夜间携带雷管逃走。
Dong Tao, a Credit Suisse economist, said China could face trouble again as companies delayed bill payments and factory owners absconded without paying wages. 瑞信(CreditSuisse)经济学家陶冬表示,随着企业推迟付账,工厂主不付工资一走了之,中国可能再度面临麻烦。