Another absolutist also says that the constant use of the word is a sign of the times. 另一些“肯定”派称,无时无刻不在用这个词是一个时代性的标志。
One might, for example, be an Absolutist about liberal and a Relativist about vocational education. 例如,一个人可以关于自由是一个绝对主义者并且关于职业教育是一个相对主义者。
It made a great sweep of the chief injustices of the absolutist regime; 它对专制主义统治时期的非正义行为进行了大清除;
To attract Republican primary voters, he has become an anti-immigrant absolutist. 在预选中,为了吸引共和党的选民,他变成了一个反对移民的绝对论者。
The absolutist power of the father in clan society came mostly from the possession of women taken in forays against neighboring clans. 氏族社会中长老的绝对权力,主要表现在对从邻近氏族掠夺来的妇女的占有上。
Two is absolutist type. 二是专制型。
One can also be an Absolutist about the dispositions to be promoted, but hold that the methods to be used are relative in one of the ways indicated. 一个人也可以关于性状能将被培养是一个绝对主义者,但是支持被使用的方法是与象征的方法相联系。
The American people are not absolutist, and they don't elect us to impose a rigid ideology on our problems. 美国人民不是极端主义者,他们推选我们也并非要求我们对种种问题强加僵硬的意识形态色彩。
Though philosophers have a natural penchant for being, Absolutists when they write about education, it is surprisingly hard to find good examples of this position& was Plato an Absolutist? 虽然哲学家作为人有一种自然的喜好,但绝对主义者当他们论述教育时,令人称奇的是在这一观点上很难发现一个好的例子&柏拉图是一个绝对主义者吗?
Most nations denounce this absolutist position, but, still, in practice, it describes many nations'behavior. 大部分国家谴责这种专制立场,但很多国家的实际行为就是这样的。
Because of widespread association of the term "natural law" with doctrinaire and absolutist philosophies of law and ethics, Fuller recommends that a new name be used for an old phenomenon. 普遍地结合“自然法”这个术语与法律和道德中所说的教条主义者跟转制主义者,福勒介绍了一个在过往的现象中被习惯使用的新名词。
During the civil war, he chose not to tone down his rhetoric favoring absolutist monarchy as did many other royalists. 在内战期间,他没有选择他的言辞低调利于专制君主一样许多其他保皇党。
Nevertheless, it is pretty hard to defend absolutist morals on grounds other than religious ones. 然而,要想为不基于宗教的绝对论道德辩护是一件很困难的事情。
However, I don't believe in dogmatic, absolutist rules& your approach should depend on your business goals and target market. 然而,我不相信教条主义和专制主义规则&你应该依靠与你的商业目的和市场目标。
Kant notwithstanding, it is tempting to agree with my hypothetical apologist that absolutist morals are usually driven by religion. 尽管有康德在,关于道德由宗教驱动的问题上,去同意我的假想护教师实在是一件诱人的事情。
It is true that the Pluralist admits, in a sense, the existence of the external world; but so also does the Absolutist. 的确,多元承认,从某种意义上讲,存在著外部世界;,但也没有绝对。
In order to meet the new theoretical challenges and criticism, the principle of legality should change its absolutist position and forge ahead toward the relativist position. 为不断适应新的理论挑战和批判,罪刑法定应改变绝对主义立场向相对主义方向迈进。
Last, compared with other absolutist countries in the East which had no basic laws, the absolutist China was an absolutist nation "ruled by the law" with a mature system of laws. 与东方其他专制主义国家没有任何基本法律相比,中国专制社会的法律制度较为完备,是法治专制国家。
On this issue, ACLU has been maintaining an absolutist position which mainly manifested to defend and protect the freedom of expression for all Americans especially the most unpopular individual or groups and against the government censorship that on the basis of the speech of content. 而ACLU在这一问题上始终秉持一种绝对论的立场,主要表现为捍卫和保护所有人的表达自由即便是社会中不受欢迎的人和反对政府以言论内容为基准的审查制度。
They advocate a concept of absolutist ethics, beyond the experience of relativism in the world of ethics. 他们都提倡一种绝对主义伦理观,超越经验世界里的相对主义伦理观。
As extension of this kind of absolutist system, the Mobilization for the Suppression of Communist Rebellion Provisional Act shelved the constitution which was just promulgated. Then the central government system stated in the constitution was completely disrupted, and the central legislative power was also put off. 作为这种专制体制的延伸,《动员戡乱时期临时条款》使得刚刚颁布的宪法被束之高阁,宪法规定的中央政制被完全打乱,中央立法权也随之被搁置。
Includes two aspects, reinforce ethics, strengthen the rule of feudal, absolutist moral and ethical as a theoretical support. 包括两个方面,一是强化礼教,巩固了封建的统治,为封建的道德伦理提供了理论支撑。
However, when investigating the relations between translation and power, some researchers are inclined to cultivate some absolutist and dichotomous thinking: translation either succumbs to the manipulation of power, or serves as a mighty force to construct power involved. 然而,一些研究者在考察翻译与权力之间关系时,常常存有一种绝对、对立的思维,即翻译要么屈从于权力的操控,要么发挥强大力量,构建相关权力。