ADJ-GRADED 荒谬的;荒唐的;不合理的 If you say that something is absurd, you are criticizing it because you think that it is ridiculous or that it does not make sense.
It is absurd to be discussing compulsory redundancy policies for teachers... 讨论针对教师的强制裁员政策真是滑稽可笑。
I've known clients of mine go to absurd lengths, just to avoid paying me a few pounds... 我知道我的一些客户就为了少付我几英镑,可谓无所不用其极。
That's absurd. 那非常荒谬。
The absurd is something that is absurd. 荒诞的事物;悖理的东西
Parkinson had a sharp eye for the absurd. 帕金森对于荒诞不经的事一眼即明。
Elizabeth loved absurdities, but she had known Sir William's too long. 伊丽莎白本来爱听无稽之谈,不过威廉爵士那一套她实在听得腻了。
There are all sorts of absurdities in the proposal. 建议中有许多荒谬之处。
Life is full of infinite absurdities, which, strangely enough, do not even need to appear plausible, since they are true. 生活中充满了无穷的荒诞性,够奇怪的是,它们甚至不需要让人感到是可能的,因为它们本身就是真实的。
Pointing out absurdities or making jokes is a mature and healthy way to ease tension, so there's no need to feel bad the next time you feel the urge to crack a joke at an inappropriate time. 指出荒唐或开玩笑是一个减轻紧张的成熟、健康的方法,所以在不适当时候有要说笑话的冲动时,没有必要感觉不好。
The oddities and absurdities of the language. 那门语言的种种怪异和荒谬之处。
His manifold absurdities might have been forgotten. 人们也许已忘记他那些五花八门的荒唐事了。
Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices. 能让你相信谬论的人同样能让你犯错误。
The le-gal system is full of such absurdities. 法制系统充满着荒谬。
A dream is a psychosis, with all the absurdities, delusion and illusions of a psychosis.& Sigmund Freud 梦是一种精神变态,凡是精神变态所具有的一切荒谬、妄念和幻想,它无不具备。&弗洛伊德
These efforts help to mask the essential emptiness of the characterization, and the absurdities and trivialities of the plots. 这些努力有助于掩饰人物性格塑造方面的本质上的空洞,以及情节上的荒谬的浅薄无聊。
Jeanie followed in patience, and with her eyes fixed on the ground, that she might save herself the mortification of seeing her companion's absurdities. 珍妮耐心地跟着她,两眼盯住地面,免得瞧见伴侣的滑稽相心里懊恼。
Bellow was deeply concerned about these problems, and by revealing the various absurdities in life and society, tried to make make reassess the meaning of life. 贝娄对这些问题表现了极大的关注,试图在自己的作品中揭露社会与人生的种种荒谬,唤醒人类善良的天性,重新审视生存的真正含义。
Mark Twain regarded stringing incongruities and absurdities together as the basis of the American art. So in Huck Finn, this idea is sure to be proved. 马克吐温把不和谐和荒谬结合作为美国文学的基础,此思想在在其《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中得以印证。
These methods are universal methods to dispel the absurdities. ( 3) Study on the steps of using the group-decision method based on the D-S theory in actual decision problems. 对基于证据理论的群决策方法的应用步骤和系统过程进行研究。
As one of most influential metamorphosis novels around the world, it not only had the exaggeration and absurdities of the deformation theme, but also made the new reflection and exploration for the body-metamorphosis. 作为20世纪末影响最广泛的一部变形题材小说,它不仅沿用了历来变形题材的夸张与荒诞,并且对身体变形进行了新的思考与探索。
The carnivalesque spirit, a typical feature of postmodernism, becomes a satiric vehicle for exposing the absurdities of academic careerism. 狂欢化精神是后现代主义的典型特点,在这部小说中作为有力的讽刺工具,揭露了学术界追名逐利的可笑性。
But, using evidence theory is restricted by the absurdities of D-S combination rule. 但是,D-S证据理论存在的合成法则悖论,在很大程度上限制了基于证据理论的群决策方法在实际问题中的应用。