Good thoughts have their abysses as well as evil ones. 善的思想和恶的思想一样,也是深不可测的。
Combing through a large number of these files and directories in the Package Explorer can feel like exploring the deep abysses of a cave. 在PackageExplorer中梳理大量文件和目录就像是在洞穴深处探险。
Mysterious exchange of the abysses of the soul with the abysses of the universe! 心灵的幽奥和宇宙的幽奥的神秘的交往!
It dealt with man and his soul-gropings in their ultimate terms, plumbing the abysses of space for the testimony of remotest suns and rainbow spectrums. 那诗写的是人和他的灵魂在终极意义上的探索,他探索着宇宙空间的一个个深渊,寻求着最辽远处的一个个太阳和一道道霓虹光谱。
When taking an even wider view, he should be conscious of the vastness of geological epochs and astronomical abysses; 放宽眼界,还应该对地质纪元的幽渺难寻、天文尺度的浩瀚无垠有所会心。
One could remain for eternity in such abysses. 也许永远跳不出这个深渊了。
Not all abysses are deaths; 不是一切深渊都是灭亡;
It is unnecessary to detail more than a few of the numerous references to darkness. Such had been his first dip into the dark abysses of existence. 没有必要再详尽地罗列更多黑暗的情景了。他第一次跌进人生黑暗深渊的情形就是这样。
Lytton Strachey felt himself "plunge shuddering through infinite abysses" at her "Ph è dre". 李顿·斯特雷奇(LyttonStrachey)觉得自己“在看她演的《费德尔》时,颤抖地坠入无尽的深渊”。
Because both sides of the mine are full of abysses. 因为矿区的两边都是深渊。
Such had been his first dip into the dark abysses of existence. 他第一次跌进人生黑暗深渊的情形就是这样。
But as a rule he was more affected by the awesome abysses than by the harmonious landscape. 但是一般说来,更触动他的是可畏的绝壁深壑,而非和谐的景色。