Of these boys the aforesaid Angel, the child of his old age, was the only son who had not taken a University degree, though he was the single one of them whose early promise might have done full justice to an academical training. 在二个儿子中间,前面说到的安琪尔是牧师老来得到的儿子,也只有这个儿子没有大学学位,尽管从早年的天资看,只有他才真正配接受大学的学术训练。
Copying academical articles are also encouraged and rewarded. 鼓励复制者,复制学术贴也可获得奖励。
Study of relationship between academical achievement and mental health of adolescents 青少年学习成绩与心理卫生关系的研究
As a concept with a very strong academical potential, evolution provides social frame for explaining and analyzing country society. 摘要作为具有很强学术潜力的概念,“内卷化”提供了一个很有解释力的分析乡村社会的框架。
A mistake in the academical inclination of modern history 试论当代历史学在学术取向上的失误
Educational system of the art in our country have made up a lot of artists, but its educational system has obviously academical malady. 我国的美术教育体系培养了一代代优秀的画家,但却带有明显的学院派弊病。
Mapping of science studies: Research groups and representative scientists; A MISTAKE IN THE ACADEMICAL INCLINATION OF MODERN HISTORY 当代国际科学学主流学术群体及其代表人物试论当代历史学在学术取向上的失误
To do academical critique in a scientific and healthy way, one must be with the spirits of seeking truth and doing free, equal and just researches. 科学、健康的学术批评,需要有求索真理、学术自由、学术平等和学术公正的精神。
We are not about to go through young Pen's academical career very minutely. 小潘的大学生涯,我们不打算详细描述。
Thirdly, use the successful experience of overseas in education of academical criterion for reference; 积极借鉴国外学术规范教育的成功经验;
The founding of the Academy is not only to meet the need of structural reformation, but it is also to open, lead and reinforce the artistic research in Jiangsu so as to perfect the research structure, integrate the academical resources and make more achievement. 成立艺术研究院,决不仅仅是为应付文化体制改革的需要,而主要着眼于以此开启、带动、加强江苏的艺术研究工作,进一步完善研究机构、整合学术资源,更好的完成学术研究任务。
The research of the time and the author of each article plays an important part in systematic Mohist study, which still remains a great deal of controversy in academical field. 对《墨子》全书的结构作一分析,考证各篇的成书年代及著者,是系统研究墨学的一个重要内容。
He undoubtedly had unique contributions to the study of the academical history of Qing Dynasty which has ranked an important position. However, there are some drawbacks in Liang Qi-chao's study. 他在清代学术史研究上无疑有着独特的贡献和重要的地位,然而梁启超的清代学术史研究也存在着一些缺失。
At beginning of the networks development, computer networks just been studied as an academical topic, and its main applications were used to transfer common data. 在网络开发的初期,计算机网络的应用还只是学术研究性质,网络的应用主要局限于一般数据信息的有效传输,同时底层通信技术也不够发达,因此采用层次体系结构。
Firstly, the different definitions of dialect island in the academical circle are introduced and the concept of dialect island is specified in a broad sense in this paper. 学术界目前有关方言岛的定义仍存分歧,本文采用广义上的方言岛概念。
In classification of discipline, philosophy of economy was mostly classed the branch discipline of application philosophy by academical fields, which has ignored that the economics discipline contains the philosophy of economy as well. 在学科归属上,学界一般把经济哲学归为哲学的应用分支学科,漠视了经济学学科内也存在经济哲学。
It would be better to teach, within the specified teaching hours, the ABC of Chinese language and culture so as to broaden their academical vision rather than teach them the knowlege of language and words of Chinese specialty or about language and literature. 在有限的课时内,与其为非中文专业学生讲授中文专业的语言文字知识或语言文学知识,还不如为他们讲授汉语言文化的基本知识,拓展他们的汉语言文化的学术眼光;
Liang Qichao and Qian Mu have ever wrote successively two works on the academical history of Qing dynasty with the same name "Academical History of China of the Last Three Hundred Years". 梁启超和钱穆同名的《中国近三百年学术史》,代表着两种不同的学术史范式,在体例渊源、写作宗旨等方面都有很大的不同。
English versions of titles and abstracts of academic periodicals are playing a more and more important role in international academical communication. 学术期刊篇名、摘要的英译在国际学术交流中的作用显得愈来愈重要。目前我国中文社科类期刊篇名、摘要英译的质量、现状不容乐观。
This paper focuses on an academical tradition of the Hui studies, that is, constructing the country by expanding the ethnical culture, in the nearly past one hundred years. 在回族研究发展的100年历史中,体现出一个始终贯彻在学术活动中的学术传统,即将弘扬民族文化和国家建设紧密地联系在一起。
As the new research direction of the major of disaster fortification and mitigation engineering, health monitoring of bridges and other important engineering structures becomes the pop research field of academical and engineering groups home and abroad in the near decades. 作为防灾减灾工程与防护工程学科的新兴研究方向,近年来桥梁等重大工程结构的健康监测成为国内外学术界、工程界的研究热点。
On the Running Position Tactics in Academical Optional Football Course of Normal University P.E major The Discussion on the Classification Teaching Method of Selective Course of Football in University 高师体育专业足球专选课跑位战术训练初探普通高校足球专选课实施分层教学的实践与思考
A Study on the Optimization for Academical Research Environment of University's Teacher in China 我国大学教师学术研究环境优化研究
Currently, when mentioning about the rural community public goods supply, most of scholars in the academical circles emphasize more on the the economic perspective, but few of them put the issue on the political and sociological perspective. 当前学术界对农村社区公共品供给的研究多着重于经济学视角,而政治学和社会学的视角却鲜有研究。
The realization of this purpose will have high theoretical and academical value for legal science and constitutional jurisprudence, and also have enlightening meanings for understanding and thinking practical issues. 作者认为这一目标的实现将有很高的法学及宪法学上的理论价值,而且对一些现实的问题的认识与思考也具有启发意义。