The news was greeted with considerable popular acclamation. 消息赢得了相当普遍的欢呼。
At first it looked like I was going to win by acclamation. 起初看起来我会以口头表决的方式获胜。
They hailed Brissenden and his demijohns with acclamation, and, on being introduced, Martin learned they were Andy and Parry. 两人用欢呼迎接了布里森登和他的大肚子酒瓶。经过介绍马丁知道他们是安迪和巴瑞。
It's not a referendum, and you don't need a unanimous vote of acclamation. 做产品不是全民公选,你不需要投一张公平的选票来表示支持。
The motion was carried by acclamation. 动议经口头表决而通过。
A motion passed by acclamation. 鼓掌欢呼表决通过的提案。
This is the applause and acclamation that I want. 这个为我才是真正的称赞,这也是我所想要的赞扬。
These men were elected by public acclamation; they were leaders of their ancestral clans, chiefs of Israel's hosts. 这些人是由会众中选出来的,都是他们宗族的领袖,以色列的千夫长。
The committee carries the bill by acclamation. 委员会以鼓掌通过这项法案。
For each one who came to power singing by acclamation. 为每一位上台唱歌的人鼓掌。
The soprano begins to sing amidst acclamation of the audience. 女高音歌手在四座欢呼声中开始演唱。
A Born Singer Ben Heppner The soprano begins to sing amidst acclamation of the audience. 他为歌唱而降生记男高音歌唱家本·赫伯纳女高音歌手在四座欢呼声中开始演唱。
They took an oath to the LORD with loud acclamation, with shouting and with trumpets and horns. 他们就大声欢呼、吹号吹角、向耶和华起誓。
Communication Management of Interfaces in Rail Transit Project The motion was carried by acclamation. 城市轨道交通建设项目接口的沟通管理动议经口头表决而通过。
Honor comes in a continuous stream and acclamation keeps lasting. 荣誉纷至沓来,喝彩经久不息。
In the history, the acclamation of official seclusion considered living in seclusion to be the ultimate ideal. “吏隐”向来是作为归隐的过渡阶段,历来吟咏吏隐者莫不以归隐为终结理想。
And the people made acclamation, saying: It is the voice of a god, and not of a man. 人民便呼喊说:「这不是人的声音,而是神的声音。
The reform resolution was adopted by acclamation. 改革决议经鼓掌通过。
In this way of life, human's self definition is defined by social acclamation. 在这样的生活,人的自我定义,是指由社会鼓掌。
The decision was given by a show of hands ( AEschylus, The Suppliants) or by acclamation. Pablo must have a sound plan or he would not have tried it. 巴勃罗一定有个行得通的方案,否则他不会这么干。
The decision was given by a show of hands aeschylus, the suppliants or by acclamation. 决定是用举手埃斯库罗斯的《求援女》或欢呼通过的。
We must not always judge of the generality of the opinion by the noise of the acclamation. 我们永远不能根据掌声响亮的程度来判断民意。
The decision was given by a show of hands or by acclamation. 决定是用举手或欢呼通过的。
The particular narrative discourse helps her acclamation of Chinese-Americans to America. 她以自己独特的叙事话语,完成自己及华裔属性的确立。
It is undoubtedly that the end of Cold War is the earthshaking event for world history, and it is as acclamation and rejoicing as it seems involved and abstruse and enduring silently for the United States. 冷战的结束对于世界历史来说无疑是一件足以令全球震撼的事件,对美国而言既值得欢呼与庆幸,又显得难以名状的艰涩与隐忍。
The inner-party electoral system is comes based on the constitution, chose by acclamation the direct election to expand the inner-party election scope. 党内选举制度是依据宪法而来的,公推直选扩大了党内选举的范围。