But the words entered Tess with accusatory horror. 但是苔丝读到这些字,却感到有一种遭到指控的恐惧。
What behavior should they change? Scribble down all your most controlling, accusatory, politically incorrect thoughts. 把所有哪些最有支配色彩、指责性质或政治不正确的想法统统写下来。
It's a difficult companion, prone to accusatory comments and dark moods, and it changes you, leaving you both tougher and more tender. 它是一位难缠的陪伴,容易说出指责的话、带来阴暗的心情,它会改变你,让你更强硬也更脆弱。
At the same time, the court finds this risk intolerable in a case like gibson, where an individual stands accused of wrongdoing-perhaps because the private interest in procedural fairness is at its zenith in accusatory proceedings. 与此同时,最高法院认为在诸如“吉布森”案的情形里,这种风险又难以容忍,因为是个人受到不道德行为的指控&大概由于程序公正方面的私人利益在指控诉讼中处于顶峰位置。
As a result of implementing the law, relations between the police and the people have become closer and the departments concerned have received fewer accusatory letters and more commendatory letters. 实践结果是,警民关系更加密切,有关部门收到的控告警察的信件比过去更少,表扬信比过去更多。
Finally, the APA recognizes that the risk of unfairness is likely to be small when the proceedings do not have an accusatory or adversary tenor. 最后,《行政程序法》承认,当诉讼没有指控或对抗的趋势时,不公正的风险很可能是微小的。
In line with IMF standards, US policy should focus on currencies that are in fundamental misalignment, abandoning the pejorative and accusatory term "manipulation" that was used. 要符合国际货币基金组织的标准,美国的政策应把目标集中在从根本上失调的货币,放弃过去使用的带有污蔑性和指责口吻的“操纵”一词。
Unlike adjudications, rulemaking proceedings are generally not accusatory; 与审判不同,规则制定程序一般不是指控性的;
When he spoke his tone was accusatory. 他说话时带着谴责的语调。
I had nothing to do with her dismissal; then why did she give me an accusatory look before she left? 她被解职和我毫无关系,那她为什么离去以前用责备的眼光看了我一眼?
Internal, accusatory dialogues are commonplace. 内部唇枪舌战相互指责实属司空见惯。
First, don't use emotional, accusatory, or inflammatory language. 首先,不要使用情绪化的,非难的,或者是激动的言语。
Meanwhile, the phenomena of constant accusations and accusatory school had developed greatly in South China with Jiangxi region as the nucleus, but they suffered many constrictions under the double oppressions from both the government and the families. 尽管宋代民间诉讼虽出现了以江西为核心的南方地区多讼和讼学不断发展的现象,但在国法和家法的双重压力下,其发展受到重重限制。
The inevitability and jurisprudential ration of the accusatory discretion and the inclination to be abused make it necessary to control it. 起诉裁量权的客观必然性和法理合理性以及可能被滥用的倾向性,使得对检察机关公诉权的制约成为必要。
The proof standard of public prosecution presents the legal standard that the accusatory proof has to conform to if the accusatory department determines to prosecute or carries through the established prosecution. 公诉的证明标准是指控诉机关决定提起公诉或者维持已经提起的公诉时,控诉证据必须达到的法定标准,是法律规定的运用证据证明待证事实所要达到的程度和要求。
The last part is the most importance emphasis in my thesis. Through comparing the different attitudes toward the system of the accusatory irritancy to illegal procedure in Continental Legal System and US and Britain Legal System, we can understand underlying mainland law culture. 最后部分是全文研究的重点,通过分析大陆法系与英美法系在程序违法责问失权制度上的不同态度,了解不同态度背后的本土法律文化传统。
In effect accusing "mutual coordination" principle stipulated by law in constitution and punishment moves downwards, accusatory function and judical function mix up a being outstanding gradually in criminal procedure law of our country currently in effect and actual judicial practice. 在宪法和刑诉法所规定的相互配合原则的影响下,我国现行刑事诉讼法及司法实践中的控、审职能混淆现象日益突出。
Accusatory function 、 defensive function and judical function is three kind basic function of modern criminal procedure. 控诉职能、辩护职能和审判职能是现代刑事诉讼的三种基本职能。
The system of the accusatory irritancy to illegal procedure is an important component of institution irritancy for parties of civil suits. 程序违法责问失权制度是民事诉讼当事人失权体系中一项十分重要的组成部分。